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AndRed Official

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  1. Me Gusta
    AndRed Official got a reaction from Alexandru BARCEA in [APORTE] MultiHack + DMG | Servidores Privados   
    Servira para nethara?
  2. Me Gusta
    AndRed Official got a reaction from TheJockerAK in [APORTE] MultiHack + DMG | Servidores Privados   
    Servira para nethara?
  3. Me Gusta
    AndRed Official got a reaction from Maxi Morales in [APORTE] MultiHack + DMG | Servidores Privados   
    Servira para nethara?
  4. Me Gusta
    AndRed Official got a reaction from Freddy Di Maria in Crear Server Metin2 + VDI 9.2 + Cliente Semi ES (TODO LO NECESARIO)   
    Muchas gracias por el aporte
  5. Gracias
    AndRed Official got a reaction from leo2993 in [GUIA] MONTAR SERVER POR IP -[HOME ROOT]- [FOTOS INCLUIDAS]   
    Gracias por la info
  6. Me Gusta
    AndRed Official got a reaction from marian_rugbier in [APORTE] MultiHack + DMG | Servidores Privados   
    Servira para nethara?
  7. Me Gusta
    AndRed Official reacted to Edward in 54 Paginas web + intro   
    Aquí os dejo un post de un foro portugués: Tech-Gamers

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  8. Me Gusta
    AndRed Official reacted to rodolfo lopez in Nueva Intro Con Movimientos [MT2 Kernel]   
    Nueva intro para metin2 con movimiento Muy basica Pero Muy Bonita XD Me la robe de otra pagina pero bno ak esta la comparto con todos ustedes espero que les guste.

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  9. Me Gusta
    AndRed Official reacted to Miguelito in Nuevo Interfaz de Login - RatedR203   
    Hola Metin2Zone eh estado un poco ausente (estaba de viaje) pero les traigo este nuevo login (esta Guapo)
    Debes iniciar sesión para ver el contenido del enlace en esta publicación.  
    Creditos: DEMONKING
    Fuente: Pro Area
  10. Me Gusta
    AndRed Official reacted to Shang in [Intro Login] Traducida   
    Toma, Sergio.

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  11. Me Gusta
    AndRed Official reacted to Hawk Server's in [Intro Login] Traducida   
    Pues.............. a mi me tira ese error  PD no se poner miniaturas y dejo la foto adjunta
    Ya acomode eso no se que habia peusto mal solo meti directamente lo q subio Jfirewall pero pff tarda siglos en arrancar xDD tal vez sea xq no puce las ip ni los puertos ya los pongo a ver xDD
    Ya no tarda en inciar =) era por la IP pero uhmmm los CH's no me salen
    y me sale solo el boton de salir y el de foro

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  12. Me Gusta
    AndRed Official reacted to Anthony's in [Intro Login] Traducida   
    En pocas palabras dije que teníais que poner estos 2 archivos al cliente para que no saltara ningún error y que funcionara.
    Ami también me saltaban si no ponía esto:
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  13. Me Gusta
    AndRed Official reacted to Jfirewall in [Intro Login] Traducida   
    Antonio Deja De Ser Mala Gente jejejeje .l.
    Pd: Jodiendo
    Ay Tienes Feo

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  14. Me Gusta
    AndRed Official reacted to Desmint in [INTROLOGIN]Illumina   
    Hola amigos de Zone, eh visto una Intro Login muy buena, y he decido compartirla con ustedes. Lo mejor de todo ¡Fácil instalación!
    Analisis de Amenazas:

    Debes iniciar sesión para ver el contenido del enlace en esta publicación. Link de descarga:

    Debes iniciar sesión para ver el contenido del enlace en esta publicación.  
  15. Me Gusta
    AndRed Official reacted to Anthony's in [Intro Login] Traducida   
    Buenas como muchos sabréis hay un post de esta intro login:

    Ami me gusto y decidí usarla para mi Versión2 de mi servidor. Así que la traduje 100% al Español y como a muchos le gustaron y pocos saben hacerla funcionar o traducir. 
    #A lo de traducir me refiero que en el post Original hubo mucha polémica de como se traducía o montaba la intro login. "Eso paso en Alemania."
    Bueno yo os daré los archivos necesarios y también un mini tuto de como hacerla funcionar.
    Bien lo primero que haremos será lo siguiente:
    Descompilar root y ir al archivo: "intrologin".
    Y lo remplazaremos por lo siguiente:
    import dbgimport appimport netimport uiimport imeimport sndimport wndMgrimport musicInfoimport serverInfoimport systemSettingimport ServerStateCheckerimport localeimport constInfoimport uiCommonimport timeimport ServerCommandParserimport imeimport uiScriptLocaleimport chatimport sysimport md5import backgroundimport osimport stringimport constinfoimport linecache########Config########DEINEIP = ""CH1PORT = CH2PORT = CH3PORT = CH4PORT = AUTHPORT = SERVERNAME = "Aeternum2"LOGINDATENSPEICHERN = 0 #0 = aus / 1 = anFORUMLINK = ""YOUTUBELINK = ""FACEBOOKLINK = ""#########################Ab hier nichts mehr ändern!######RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH = FALSENEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH = FALSELOGIN_DELAY_SEC = 0.0SKIP_LOGIN_PHASE = FALSESKIP_LOGIN_PHASE_SUPPORT_CHANNEL = FALSEFULL_BACK_IMAGE = TRUEPASSPOD_MSG_DICT = {}VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_NUM_KEYS = 46VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_RAND_KEY = FALSECH1STATE = 0CH2STATE = 0CH3STATE = 0CH4STATE = 0def Suffle(src): if VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_RAND_KEY: items = [item for item in src] itemCount = len(items) for oldPos in xrange(itemCount): newPos = app.GetRandom(0, itemCount-1) items[newPos], items[oldPos] = items[oldPos], items[newPos] return "".join(items) else: return srcif locale.IsNEWCIBN() or locale.IsCIBN10(): LOGIN_DELAY_SEC = 20.0 FULL_BACK_IMAGE = TRUE NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH = TRUE PASSPOD_MSG_DICT = { "PASERR1" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_PASERR1, "PASERR2" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_PASERR2, "PASERR3" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_PASERR3, "PASERR4" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_PASERR4, "PASERR5" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_PASERR5, }elif locale.IsYMIR() or locale.IsCHEONMA(): FULL_BACK_IMAGE = TRUEelif locale.IsHONGKONG(): FULL_BACK_IMAGE = TRUE RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH = TRUE PASSPOD_MSG_DICT = { "NOTELE" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_NOTELEBLOCK, }elif locale.IsJAPAN(): FULL_BACK_IMAGE = TRUEdef IsFullBackImage(): global FULL_BACK_IMAGE return FULL_BACK_IMAGEdef IsLoginDelay(): global LOGIN_DELAY_SEC if LOGIN_DELAY_SEC > 0.0: return TRUE else: return FALSEdef IsRunupMatrixAuth(): global RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH return RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH def IsNEWCIBNPassPodAuth(): global NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH return NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTHdef GetLoginDelay(): global LOGIN_DELAY_SEC return LOGIN_DELAY_SEC app.SetGuildMarkPath("test")class ConnectingDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): def __init__(self): ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) self.__LoadDialog() self.eventTimeOver = lambda *arg: None self.eventExit = lambda *arg: None def __del__(self): ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) def __LoadDialog(self): try: PythonScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() PythonScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/ConnectingDialog.py") self.board = self.GetChild("board") self.message = self.GetChild("message") self.countdownMessage = self.GetChild("countdown_message") except: import exception exception.Abort("ConnectingDialog.LoadDialog.BindObject") def Open(self, waitTime): curTime = time.clock() self.endTime = curTime + waitTime self.Lock() self.SetCenterPosition() self.SetTop() self.Show() def Close(self): self.Unlock() self.Hide() def Destroy(self): self.Hide() self.ClearDictionary() def SetText(self, text): self.message.SetText(text) def SetCountDownMessage(self, waitTime): self.countdownMessage.SetText("%.0f%s" % (waitTime, locale.SECOND)) def SAFE_SetTimeOverEvent(self, event): self.eventTimeOver = ui.__mem_func__(event) def SAFE_SetExitEvent(self, event): self.eventExit = ui.__mem_func__(event) def OnUpdate(self, state): lastTime = max(0, self.endTime - time.clock()) if 0 == lastTime: self.Close() self.eventTimeOver() else: self.SetCountDownMessage(self.endTime - time.clock()) def OnPressExitKey(self): #self.eventExit() return TRUEclass LoginWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): IS_TEST = net.IsTest() def __init__(self, stream): print "NEW LOGIN WINDOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) net.SetPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_LOGIN, self) net.SetAccountConnectorHandler(self) self.matrixInputChanceCount = 0 self.lastLoginTime = 0 self.inputDialog = None self.connectingDialog = None self.stream=stream self.isNowCountDown=FALSE self.isStartError=FALSE self.xServerBoard = 0 self.yServerBoard = 0 self.loadingImage = None self.virtualKeyboard = None self.virtualKeyboardMode = "ALPHABET" self.virtualKeyboardIsUpper = FALSE def __del__(self): net.ClearPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_LOGIN, self) net.SetAccountConnectorHandler(0) ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE LOGIN WINDOW" def Open(self): ServerStateChecker.Create(self) print "LOGIN WINDOW OPEN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" self.loginFailureMsgDict={ #"DEFAULT" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN, "ALREADY" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_ALREAY, "NOID" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_EXIST_ID, "WRONGPWD" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_PASSWORD, "FULL" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_TOO_MANY_USER, "SHUTDOWN" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_SHUTDOWN, "REPAIR" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_REPAIR_ID, "BLOCK" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_ID, "WRONGMAT" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER, "QUIT" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER_TRIPLE, "BESAMEKEY" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_BE_SAME_KEY, "NOTAVAIL" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_AVAIL, "NOBILL" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_NOBILL, "BLKLOGIN" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_LOGIN, "WEBBLK" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_WEB_BLOCK, "HACK" : "Du wurdest wegen hacken gesperrt.", "BOT" : "Du wurdest wegen benutzung von Bots gesperrt.", "SCAM" : "Du wurdest wegen Betrug gesperrt.", "INSULT" : "Du wurdest wegen Beleidigung gesperrt.", "FAKE" : "Du wurdest aufgrund deiner Namensgebung gesperrt.", "NAME" : "Du wurdest aufgrund deiner Namensgebung gesperrt.", "BUG" : "Du wurdest wegen Bugusing gesperrt.", "DK" : "Du wurdest wegen Dauerkill gesperrt.", "OTHER" : "Du wurdest von der Serverleitung gesperrt.", } self.loginFailureFuncDict = { "WRONGPWD" : self.__DisconnectAndInputPassword, "WRONGMAT" : self.__DisconnectAndInputMatrix, "QUIT" : app.Exit, } self.SetSize(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(), wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()) self.SetWindowName("LoginWindow") if not self.__LoadScript(uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "LoginWindow.py"): dbg.TraceError("LoginWindow.Open - __LoadScript Error") return self.__LoadLoginInfo("loginInfo.py") if app.loggined: self.loginFailureFuncDict = { "WRONGPWD" : app.Exit, "WRONGMAT" : app.Exit, "QUIT" : app.Exit, } if musicInfo.loginMusic != "": snd.SetMusicVolume(systemSetting.GetMusicVolume()) snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/"+musicInfo.loginMusic) snd.SetSoundVolume(systemSetting.GetSoundVolume()) # pevent key "[" "]" ime.AddExceptKey(91) ime.AddExceptKey(93) self.Show() global SKIP_LOGIN_PHASE if SKIP_LOGIN_PHASE: if self.isStartError: self.connectBoard.Hide() self.loginBoard.Hide() self.serverBoard.Hide() self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILURE, self.__ExitGame) return if self.loginInfo: self.serverBoard.Hide() else: self.__RefreshServerList() self.__OpenServerBoard() else: connectingIP = self.stream.GetConnectAddr() if connectingIP: self.__OpenLoginBoard() if IsFullBackImage(): self.GetChild("demonking").Show() else: self.__RefreshServerList() self.__OpenServerBoard() app.ShowCursor() def Close(self): if self.connectingDialog: self.connectingDialog.Close() self.connectingDialog = None ServerStateChecker.Destroy(self) print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLOSE LOGIN WINDOW " # # selectMusicÀÌ ¾øÀ¸¸é BGMÀÌ ²÷±â¹Ç·Î µÎ°³ ´Ù üũÇÑ´Ù. # if musicInfo.loginMusic != "" and musicInfo.selectMusic != "": snd.FadeOutMusic("BGM/"+musicInfo.loginMusic) ## NOTE : idEditLine¿Í pwdEditLineÀº À̺¥Æ®°¡ ¼­·Î ¿¬°á µÇ¾îÀ־ ## Event¸¦ °­Á¦·Î ÃʱâÈ­ ÇØÁÖ¾î¾ß¸¸ ÇÕ´Ï´Ù - [levites] self.idEditLine.SetTabEvent(0) self.idEditLine.SetReturnEvent(0) self.pwdEditLine.SetReturnEvent(0) self.pwdEditLine.SetTabEvent(0) self.connectBoard = None self.loginBoard = None self.idEditLine = None self.pwdEditLine = None self.inputDialog = None self.connectingDialog = None self.loadingImage = None self.serverBoard = None self.serverList = None self.channelList = None # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH self.matrixQuizBoard = None self.matrixAnswerInput = None self.matrixAnswerOK = None self.matrixAnswerCancel = None # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH_END # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH self.passpodBoard = None self.passpodAnswerInput = None self.passpodAnswerOK = None self.passpodAnswerCancel = None # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH_END self.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_LOWERS = None self.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_UPPERS = None self.VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS = None self.VIRTUAL_KEY_NUMBERS = None # VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_BUG_FIX if self.virtualKeyboard: for keyIndex in xrange(0, VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_NUM_KEYS+1): key = self.GetChild2("key_%d" % keyIndex) if key: key.SetEvent(None) self.virtualKeyboard = None self.KillFocus() self.Hide() self.stream.popupWindow.Close() self.loginFailureFuncDict=None ime.ClearExceptKey() app.HideCursor() def __SaveChannelInfo(self): try: file=open("channel.inf", "w") file.write("%d %d %d" % (self.__GetServerID(), self.__GetChannelID(), self.__GetRegionID())) except: print "LoginWindow.__SaveChannelInfo - SaveError" def __LoadChannelInfo(self): try: file=open("channel.inf") lines=file.readlines() if len(lines)>0: tokens=lines[0].split() selServerID=int(tokens[0]) selChannelID=int(tokens[1]) if len(tokens) == 3: regionID = int(tokens[2]) return regionID, selServerID, selChannelID except: print "LoginWindow.__LoadChannelInfo - OpenError" return -1, -1, -1 def __ExitGame(self): app.Exit() def SetIDEditLineFocus(self): if self.idEditLine != None: self.idEditLine.SetFocus() def SetPasswordEditLineFocus(self): if locale.IsEUROPE(): if self.idEditLine != None: #0000862: [M2EU] ·Î±×ÀÎâ Æ˾÷ ¿¡·¯: Á¾·á½Ã ¸ÕÀú None ¼³Á¤µÊ self.idEditLine.SetText("") self.idEditLine.SetFocus() #0000685: [M2EU] ¾ÆÀ̵ð/ºñ¹Ð¹øÈ£ À¯Ãß °¡´É ¹ö±× ¼öÁ¤: ¹«Á¶°Ç ¾ÆÀ̵ð·Î Æ÷Ä¿½º°¡ °¡°Ô ¸¸µç´Ù if self.pwdEditLine != None: #0000862: [M2EU] ·Î±×ÀÎâ Æ˾÷ ¿¡·¯: Á¾·á½Ã ¸ÕÀú None ¼³Á¤µÊ self.pwdEditLine.SetText("") else: if self.pwdEditLine != None: self.pwdEditLine.SetFocus() def OnEndCountDown(self): self.isNowCountDown = FALSE self.OnConnectFailure() def OnConnectFailure(self): if self.isNowCountDown: return snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/loginfail.wav") if self.connectingDialog: self.connectingDialog.Close() self.connectingDialog = None if app.loggined: self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILURE, self.__ExitGame) else: self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILURE, self.SetPasswordEditLineFocus) def OnHandShake(self): if not IsLoginDelay(): snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/loginok.wav") self.PopupDisplayMessage(locale.LOGIN_CONNECT_SUCCESS) def OnLoginStart(self): if not IsLoginDelay(): self.PopupDisplayMessage(locale.LOGIN_PROCESSING) def OnLoginFailure(self, error): if self.connectingDialog: self.connectingDialog.Close() self.connectingDialog = None try: loginFailureMsg = self.loginFailureMsgDict[error] except KeyError: if PASSPOD_MSG_DICT: try: loginFailureMsg = PASSPOD_MSG_DICT[error] except KeyError: loginFailureMsg = locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN + error else: loginFailureMsg = locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN + error #0000685: [M2EU] ¾ÆÀ̵ð/ºñ¹Ð¹øÈ£ À¯Ãß °¡´É ¹ö±× ¼öÁ¤: ¹«Á¶°Ç Æнº¿öµå·Î Æ÷Ä¿½º°¡ °¡°Ô ¸¸µç´Ù loginFailureFunc=self.loginFailureFuncDict.get(error, self.SetPasswordEditLineFocus) if app.loggined: self.PopupNotifyMessage(loginFailureMsg, self.__ExitGame) else: self.PopupNotifyMessage(loginFailureMsg, loginFailureFunc) snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/loginfail.wav") def __DisconnectAndInputID(self): if self.connectingDialog: self.connectingDialog.Close() self.connectingDialog = None self.SetIDEditLineFocus() net.Disconnect() def __DisconnectAndInputPassword(self): if self.connectingDialog: self.connectingDialog.Close() self.connectingDialog = None self.SetPasswordEditLineFocus() net.Disconnect() def __DisconnectAndInputMatrix(self): if self.connectingDialog: self.connectingDialog.Close() self.connectingDialog = None self.stream.popupWindow.Close() self.matrixInputChanceCount -= 1 if self.matrixInputChanceCount <= 0: self.__OnCloseInputDialog() elif self.inputDialog: self.inputDialog.Show() def __LoadScript(self, fileName): try: pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, fileName) except: import exception exception.Abort("LoginWindow.__LoadScript.LoadObject") try: GetObject=self.GetChild self.serverBoard = GetObject("ServerBoard") self.serverList = GetObject("ServerList") self.channelList = GetObject("ChannelList") self.connectBoard = GetObject("ConnectBoard") self.loginBoard = GetObject("LoginBoard") self.idEditLine = GetObject("ID_EditLine") self.pwdEditLine = GetObject("Password_EditLine") self.ch1_offline_demon = GetObject("Channel1_offline_demon") self.ch2_offline_demon = GetObject("Channel2_offline_demon") self.ch3_offline_demon = GetObject("Channel3_offline_demon") self.ch4_offline_demon = GetObject("Channel4_offline_demon") self.ch1_online_demon = GetObject("Channel1_online_demon") self.ch2_online_demon = GetObject("Channel2_online_demon") self.ch3_online_demon = GetObject("Channel3_online_demon") self.ch4_online_demon = GetObject("Channel4_online_demon") self.ch1_online_markiert_demon = GetObject("Channel1_online_markiert_demon") self.ch2_online_markiert_demon = GetObject("Channel2_online_markiert_demon") self.ch3_online_markiert_demon = GetObject("Channel3_online_markiert_demon") self.ch4_online_markiert_demon = GetObject("Channel4_online_markiert_demon") self.ch1_offline_markiert_demon = GetObject("Channel1_offline_markiert_demon") self.ch2_offline_markiert_demon = GetObject("Channel2_offline_markiert_demon") self.ch3_offline_markiert_demon = GetObject("Channel3_offline_markiert_demon") self.ch4_offline_markiert_demon = GetObject("Channel4_offline_markiert_demon") self.loginButton = GetObject("LoginButton") self.forum = GetObject("forum") self.youtube = GetObject("youtube") self.facebook = GetObject("facebook") self.oben_links = GetObject("oben_links") self.idEditLine.SetFontColor(71, 96, 144) self.pwdEditLine.SetFontColor(71, 96, 144) ## ACCMANAGER self.endles = GetObject("endles") # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH if IsRunupMatrixAuth(): self.matrixQuizBoard = GetObject("RunupMatrixQuizBoard") self.matrixAnswerInput = GetObject("RunupMatrixAnswerInput") self.matrixAnswerOK = GetObject("RunupMatrixAnswerOK") self.matrixAnswerCancel = GetObject("RunupMatrixAnswerCancel") # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH_END # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH if IsNEWCIBNPassPodAuth(): self.passpodBoard = GetObject("NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_BOARD") self.passpodAnswerInput = GetObject("NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_INPUT") self.passpodAnswerOK = GetObject("NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_OK") self.passpodAnswerCancel= GetObject("NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_CANCEL") # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH_END self.virtualKeyboard = self.GetChild2("VirtualKeyboard") if self.virtualKeyboard: self.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_UPPERS = Suffle(locale.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_UPPERS) self.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_LOWERS = "".join([locale.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_LOWERS[locale.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_UPPERS.index(e)] for e in self.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_UPPERS]) self.VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS = Suffle(locale.VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS) self.VIRTUAL_KEY_NUMBERS = Suffle(locale.VIRTUAL_KEY_NUMBERS) self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetAlphabetMode() except: import exception exception.Abort("LoginWindow.__LoadScript.BindObject") self.serverBoard.OnKeyUp = ui.__mem_func__(self.__ServerBoard_OnKeyUp) self.xServerBoard, self.yServerBoard = self.serverBoard.GetLocalPosition() self.loginButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickLoginButton)) self.forum.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__forum)) self.youtube.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__youtube)) self.facebook.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__facebook)) ## ACCMANAGER self.endles.SetEvent(self.__OnClickExitButton) ## END ACCMANAGER self.serverList.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnSelectServer)) self.idEditLine.SetReturnEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.pwdEditLine.SetFocus)) self.idEditLine.SetTabEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.pwdEditLine.SetFocus)) self.pwdEditLine.SetReturnEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickLoginButton)) self.pwdEditLine.SetTabEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.idEditLine.SetFocus)) # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH if IsRunupMatrixAuth(): self.matrixAnswerOK.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickMatrixAnswerOK) self.matrixAnswerCancel.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickMatrixAnswerCancel) self.matrixAnswerInput.SAFE_SetReturnEvent(self.__OnClickMatrixAnswerOK) # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH_END # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH if IsNEWCIBNPassPodAuth(): self.passpodAnswerOK.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickNEWCIBNPasspodAnswerOK) self.passpodAnswerCancel.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickNEWCIBNPasspodAnswerCancel) self.passpodAnswerInput.SAFE_SetReturnEvent(self.__OnClickNEWCIBNPasspodAnswerOK) # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH_END if IsFullBackImage(): self.GetChild("demonking").Show() return 1 def __VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self, keyCodes): uiDefFontBackup = locale.UI_DEF_FONT locale.UI_DEF_FONT = locale.UI_DEF_FONT_LARGE keyIndex = 1 for keyCode in keyCodes: key = self.GetChild2("key_%d" % keyIndex) if key: key.SetEvent(lambda x=keyCode: self.__VirtualKeyboard_PressKey(x)) key.SetText(keyCode) key.ButtonText.SetFontColor(1, 1, 1) keyIndex += 1 for keyIndex in xrange(keyIndex, VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_NUM_KEYS+1): key = self.GetChild2("key_%d" % keyIndex) if key: key.SetEvent(lambda x=' ': self.__VirtualKeyboard_PressKey(x)) key.SetText(' ') locale.UI_DEF_FONT = uiDefFontBackup def __VirtualKeyboard_PressKey(self, code): ime.PasteString(code) #if self.virtualKeyboardMode == "ALPHABET" and self.virtualKeyboardIsUpper: # self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetLowerMode() def __VirtualKeyboard_PressBackspace(self): ime.PasteBackspace() def __VirtualKeyboard_PressReturn(self): ime.PasteReturn() def __VirtualKeyboard_SetUpperMode(self): self.virtualKeyboardIsUpper = TRUE if self.virtualKeyboardMode == "ALPHABET": self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_UPPERS) elif self.virtualKeyboardMode == "NUMBER": self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS) else: self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_NUMBERS) def __VirtualKeyboard_SetLowerMode(self): self.virtualKeyboardIsUpper = FALSE if self.virtualKeyboardMode == "ALPHABET": self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_LOWERS) elif self.virtualKeyboardMode == "NUMBER": self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_NUMBERS) else: self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS) def __VirtualKeyboard_SetAlphabetMode(self): self.virtualKeyboardIsUpper = FALSE self.virtualKeyboardMode = "ALPHABET" self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_LOWERS) def __VirtualKeyboard_SetNumberMode(self): self.virtualKeyboardIsUpper = FALSE self.virtualKeyboardMode = "NUMBER" self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_NUMBERS) def __VirtualKeyboard_SetSymbolMode(self): self.virtualKeyboardIsUpper = FALSE self.virtualKeyboardMode = "SYMBOL" self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS) def Connect(self, id, pwd): if constInfo.SEQUENCE_PACKET_ENABLE: net.SetPacketSequenceMode() if IsLoginDelay(): loginDelay = GetLoginDelay() self.connectingDialog = ConnectingDialog() self.connectingDialog.Open(loginDelay) self.connectingDialog.SAFE_SetTimeOverEvent(self.OnEndCountDown) self.connectingDialog.SAFE_SetExitEvent(self.OnPressExitKey) self.isNowCountDown = TRUE else: self.stream.popupWindow.Close() self.stream.popupWindow.Open(locale.LOGIN_CONNETING, self.SetPasswordEditLineFocus, locale.UI_CANCEL) self.stream.SetLoginInfo(id, pwd) self.stream.Connect() def __OnClickExitButton(self): self.stream.SetPhaseWindow(0) def __SetServerInfo(self, name): net.SetServerInfo(name.strip()) self.serverInfo.SetText(name) def __LoadLoginInfo(self, loginInfoFileName): try: loginInfo={} execfile(loginInfoFileName, loginInfo) except IOError: print( "ÀÚµ¿ ·Î±×ÀÎÀ» ÇϽ÷Á¸é" + loginInfoFileName + "ÆÄÀÏÀ» ÀÛ¼ºÇØÁÖ¼¼¿än" "n" "³»¿ë:n" "================================================================n" "addr=ÁÖ¼Òn" "port=Æ÷Æ®n" "id=¾ÆÀ̵ðn" "pwd=ºñ¹Ð¹øÈ£n" "slot=ij¸¯ÅÍ ¼±Åà À妽º (¾ø°Å³ª -1À̸é ÀÚµ¿ ¼±Åà ¾ÈÇÔ)n" "autoLogin=ÀÚµ¿ Á¢¼Ó ¿©ºÎn" "autoSelect=ÀÚµ¿ Á¢¼Ó ¿©ºÎn" "locale=(ymir) LC_Ymir ÀÏ°æ¿ì ymir·Î ÀÛµ¿. ÁöÁ¤ÇÏÁö ¾ÊÀ¸¸é korea·Î ÀÛµ¿n" ); id=loginInfo.get("id", "") pwd=loginInfo.get("pwd", "") if self.IS_TEST: try: addr=loginInfo["addr"] port=loginInfo["port"] account_addr=addr account_port=port net.SetMarkServer(addr, port) self.__SetServerInfo(locale.CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER_ADDR % (addr, port)) except: try: addr=serverInfo.TESTADDR["ip"] port=serverInfo.TESTADDR["tcp_port"] net.SetMarkServer(addr, port) self.__SetServerInfo(locale.CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER) except: import exception exception.Abort("LoginWindow.__LoadLoginInfo - Å×½ºÆ®¼­¹ö ÁÖ¼Ò°¡ ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù") else: addr=loginInfo.get("addr", "") port=loginInfo.get("port", 0) account_addr=loginInfo.get("account_addr", addr) account_port=loginInfo.get("account_port", port) locale = loginInfo.get("locale", "") if addr and port: net.SetMarkServer(addr, port) if locale == "ymir" : net.SetServerInfo("õ¸¶ ¼­¹ö") self.serverInfo.SetText("Y:"+addr+":"+str(port)) else: net.SetServerInfo(addr+":"+str(port)) self.serverInfo.SetText("K:"+addr+":"+str(port)) slot=loginInfo.get("slot", 0) isAutoLogin=loginInfo.get("auto", 0) isAutoLogin=loginInfo.get("autoLogin", 0) isAutoSelect=loginInfo.get("autoSelect", 0) self.stream.SetCharacterSlot(slot) self.stream.SetConnectInfo(addr, port, account_addr, account_port) self.stream.isAutoLogin=isAutoLogin self.stream.isAutoSelect=isAutoSelect self.id = None self.pwd = None self.loginnedServer = None self.loginnedChannel = None app.loggined = FALSE self.loginInfo = loginInfo if self.id and self.pwd: app.loggined = TRUE if isAutoLogin: self.Connect(id, pwd) print "==================================================================================" print "ÀÚµ¿ ·Î±×ÀÎ: %s - %s:%d %s" % (loginInfoFileName, addr, port, id) print "==================================================================================" def PopupDisplayMessage(self, msg): self.stream.popupWindow.Close() self.stream.popupWindow.Open(msg) def PopupNotifyMessage(self, msg, func=0): if not func: func=self.EmptyFunc self.stream.popupWindow.Close() self.stream.popupWindow.Open(msg, func, locale.UI_OK) # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH def BINARY_OnRunupMatrixQuiz(self, quiz): if not IsRunupMatrixAuth(): return id = self.GetChild("RunupMatrixID") id.SetText(self.idEditLine.GetText()) code = self.GetChild("RunupMatrixCode") code.SetText("".join(["[%c,%c]" % (quiz[i], quiz[i+1]) for i in xrange(0, len(quiz), 2)])) self.stream.popupWindow.Close() self.serverBoard.Hide() self.connectBoard.Hide() self.loginBoard.Hide() self.matrixQuizBoard.Show() self.matrixAnswerInput.SetFocus() def __OnClickMatrixAnswerOK(self): answer = self.matrixAnswerInput.GetText() print "matrix_quiz.ok" net.SendRunupMatrixCardPacket(answer) self.matrixQuizBoard.Hide() self.stream.popupWindow.Close() self.stream.popupWindow.Open("WAITING FOR MATRIX AUTHENTICATION", self.__OnClickMatrixAnswerCancel, locale.UI_CANCEL) def __OnClickMatrixAnswerCancel(self): print "matrix_quiz.cancel" if self.matrixQuizBoard: self.matrixQuizBoard.Hide() if self.connectBoard: self.connectBoard.Show() if self.loginBoard: self.loginBoard.Show() # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH_END # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH def BINARY_OnNEWCIBNPasspodRequest(self): if not IsNEWCIBNPassPodAuth(): return if self.connectingDialog: self.connectingDialog.Close() self.connectingDialog = None self.stream.popupWindow.Close() self.serverBoard.Hide() self.connectBoard.Hide() self.loginBoard.Hide() self.passpodBoard.Show() self.passpodAnswerInput.SetFocus() def BINARY_OnNEWCIBNPasspodFailure(self): if not IsNEWCIBNPassPodAuth(): return def __OnClickNEWCIBNPasspodAnswerOK(self): answer = self.passpodAnswerInput.GetText() print "passpod.ok" net.SendNEWCIBNPasspodAnswerPacket(answer) self.passpodAnswerInput.SetText("") self.passpodBoard.Hide() self.stream.popupWindow.Close() self.stream.popupWindow.Open(locale.WAIT_FOR_PASSPOD, self.__OnClickNEWCIBNPasspodAnswerCancel, locale.UI_CANCEL) def __OnClickNEWCIBNPasspodAnswerCancel(self): print "passpod.cancel" if self.passpodBoard: self.passpodBoard.Hide() if self.connectBoard: self.connectBoard.Show() if self.loginBoard: self.loginBoard.Show() # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH_END def OnMatrixCard(self, row1, row2, row3, row4, col1, col2, col3, col4): if self.connectingDialog: self.connectingDialog.Close() self.connectingDialog = None self.matrixInputChanceCount = 3 self.stream.popupWindow.Close() # CHINA_MATRIX_CARD_BUG_FIX ## A~Z ±îÁö 26 À̳»ÀÇ °ªÀÌ µé¾îÀÖ¾î¾ß¸¸ ÇÑ´Ù. ## Python Exception Log ¿¡¼­ ±× ÀÌ»óÀÇ °ªÀÌ µé¾îÀ־ ¿¡·¯ ¹æÁö ## Çåµ¥ ¿Ö Çѱ¹ÂÊ ·Î±×¿¡¼­ ÀÌ°Ô È°¿ëµÇ´ÂÁö´Â ¸ð¸£°ÚÀ½ row1 = min(30, row1) row2 = min(30, row2) row3 = min(30, row3) row4 = min(30, row4) # END_OF_CHINA_MATRIX_CARD_BUG_FIX row1 = chr(row1 + ord('A')) row2 = chr(row2 + ord('A')) row3 = chr(row3 + ord('A')) row4 = chr(row4 + ord('A')) col1 = col1 + 1 col2 = col2 + 1 col3 = col3 + 1 col4 = col4 + 1 inputDialog = uiCommon.InputDialogWithDescription2() inputDialog.SetMaxLength(8) inputDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnAcceptMatrixCardData)) inputDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnCancelMatrixCardData)) inputDialog.SetTitle(locale.INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_TITLE) inputDialog.SetDescription1(locale.INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER) inputDialog.SetDescription2("%c%d %c%d %c%d %c%d" % (row1, col1, row2, col2, row3, col3, row4, col4)) inputDialog.Open() self.inputDialog = inputDialog def __OnAcceptMatrixCardData(self): text = self.inputDialog.GetText() net.SendChinaMatrixCardPacket(text) if self.inputDialog: self.inputDialog.Hide() self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.LOGIN_PROCESSING) return TRUE def __OnCancelMatrixCardData(self): self.SetPasswordEditLineFocus() self.__OnCloseInputDialog() self.__DisconnectAndInputPassword() return TRUE def __OnCloseInputDialog(self): if self.inputDialog: self.inputDialog.Close() self.inputDialog = None return TRUE def OnPressExitKey(self): self.stream.popupWindow.Close() self.stream.SetPhaseWindow(0) return TRUE def OnExit(self): self.stream.popupWindow.Close() self.stream.popupWindow.Open(locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER_TRIPLE, app.Exit, locale.UI_OK) def OnUpdate(self): ServerStateChecker.Update() def EmptyFunc(self): pass ##################################################################################### def __ServerBoard_OnKeyUp(self, key): if self.serverBoard.IsShow(): if app.DIK_RETURN==key: self.__OnClickSelectServerButton() return TRUE def __GetRegionID(self): return 0 def __GetServerID(self): return self.serverList.GetSelectedItem() def __GetChannelID(self): return self.channelList.GetSelectedItem() # SEVER_LIST_BUG_FIX def __ServerIDToServerIndex(self, regionID, targetServerID): try: regionDict = serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID] except KeyError: return -1 retServerIndex = 0 for eachServerID, regionDataDict in regionDict.items(): if eachServerID == targetServerID: return retServerIndex retServerIndex += 1 return -1 def __ChannelIDToChannelIndex(self, channelID): return channelID - 1 # END_OF_SEVER_LIST_BUG_FIX def __OpenServerBoard(self): self.ch1_offline_markiert_demon.Hide() self.ch2_offline_markiert_demon.Hide() self.ch3_offline_markiert_demon.Hide() self.ch4_offline_markiert_demon.Hide() self.ch1_online_markiert_demon.Hide() self.ch2_online_markiert_demon.Hide() self.ch3_online_markiert_demon.Hide() self.ch4_online_markiert_demon.Hide() self.ch3_online_demon.Hide() #Auskommentieren wenn ihr CH3+4 habt self.ch4_online_demon.Hide() #Auskommentieren wenn ihr CH3+4 habt global DEINEIP global CH1PORT global AUTHPORT global CH2PORT global SERVERNAME global CH3PORT global CH4PORT global CH1STATE global CH2STATE global CH3STATE global CH4STATE global LOGINDATENSPEICHERN if LOGINDATENSPEICHERN==1: login = linecache.getline("pack/loginsetting", 1) password = linecache.getline("pack/loginsetting", 2) self.idEditLine.SetText(login) self.pwdEditLine.SetText(password) id = self.idEditLine.GetText() id = id.replace('n', '') self.idEditLine.SetText(id) self.ch1_offline_demon.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickch1_demon)) self.ch2_offline_demon.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickch2_demon)) self.ch3_offline_demon.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickch3_demon)) self.ch4_offline_demon.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickch4_demon)) self.ch1_online_demon.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickch1_demon)) self.ch2_online_demon.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickch2_demon)) self.ch3_online_demon.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickch3_demon)) self.ch4_online_demon.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickch4_demon)) self.ch1_online_markiert_demon.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickch1_demon)) self.ch2_online_markiert_demon.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickch2_demon)) self.ch3_online_markiert_demon.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickch3_demon)) self.ch4_online_markiert_demon.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickch4_demon)) self.ch1_offline_markiert_demon.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickch1_demon)) self.ch2_offline_markiert_demon.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickch2_demon)) self.ch3_offline_markiert_demon.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickch3_demon)) self.ch4_offline_markiert_demon.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickch4_demon)) print "XMAS_SNOW ON" background.EnableSnow(1) # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH if IsRunupMatrixAuth(): self.matrixQuizBoard.Hide() # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH_END # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH if IsNEWCIBNPassPodAuth(): self.passpodBoard.Hide() # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH_END self.serverBoard.SetPosition(self.xServerBoard, wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()) self.serverBoard.Hide() if self.virtualKeyboard: self.virtualKeyboard.Show() self.__LoadACCNames() if app.loggined: self.Connect(self.id, self.pwd) self.connectBoard.Hide() self.loginBoard.Hide() elif not self.stream.isAutoLogin: self.connectBoard.Show() self.loginBoard.Show() ## if users have the login infomation, then don't initialize.2005.9 haho if self.idEditLine == None: self.idEditLine.SetText("") if self.pwdEditLine == None: self.pwdEditLine.SetText("") self.idEditLine.SetFocus() ##Statecheck import socket, os ip = DEINEIP s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s2 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) #s3 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) #Einkommentieren wenn CH 3 + 4 #s4 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) #Einkommentieren wenn CH 3 + 4 #Channel1 try: s.connect((ip,CH1PORT)) s.close() self.ch1_offline_demon.Hide() self.ch1_online_demon.Show() CH1STATE = 1 except: self.ch1_online_demon.Hide() CH1STATE = 0 s.close() #Channel2 try: s2.connect((ip,CH2PORT)) s2.close() CH2STATE = 1 self.ch2_offline_demon.Hide() self.ch2_online_demon.Show() except: self.ch2_online_demon.Hide() CH2STATE = 0 s2.close() ####Channel3 Einkommentieren wenn CH 3 + 4 #try: # s3.connect((ip,CH3PORT)) # s3.close() # CH3STATE = 1 # self.ch3_offline_demon.Hide() # self.ch3_online_demon.Show() #except: # self.ch3_online_demon.Hide() # CH3STATE = 0 # ###Channel4 #try: # s4.connect((ip,CH4PORT)) # s4.close() # CH4STATE = 1 # self.ch4_offline_demon.Hide() # self.ch4_online_demon.Show() #except: # self.ch4_online_demon.Hide() # CH4STATE = 0 self.stream.SetConnectInfo(DEINEIP, CH1PORT, DEINEIP, AUTHPORT) net.SetServerInfo(SERVERNAME + " - Ch 1") net.SetMarkServer(DEINEIP, CH1PORT) app.SetGuildMarkPath("10.tga") app.SetGuildSymbolPath("10") if CH1STATE: self.ch1_online_demon.Hide() self.ch1_online_markiert_demon.Show() else: self.ch1_offline_demon.Hide() self.ch1_offline_markiert_demon.Show() if CH2STATE: self.ch2_online_demon.Show() self.ch2_online_markiert_demon.Hide() else: self.ch2_offline_demon.Show() self.ch2_offline_markiert_demon.Hide() if CH3STATE: self.ch3_online_demon.Show() self.ch3_online_markiert_demon.Hide() else: self.ch3_offline_demon.Show() self.ch3_offline_markiert_demon.Hide() if CH4STATE: self.ch4_online_demon.Show() self.ch4_online_markiert_demon.Hide() else: self.ch4_offline_demon.Show() self.ch4_offline_markiert_demon.Hide() global SKIP_LOGIN_PHASE if SKIP_LOGIN_PHASE: if not self.loginInfo: self.connectBoard.Hide() def __OpenLoginBoard(self): print "XMAS_SNOW ON" background.EnableSnow(1) # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH if IsRunupMatrixAuth(): self.matrixQuizBoard.Hide() # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH_END # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH if IsNEWCIBNPassPodAuth(): self.passpodBoard.Hide() # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH_END self.serverBoard.SetPosition(self.xServerBoard, wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()) self.serverBoard.Hide() if self.virtualKeyboard: self.virtualKeyboard.Show() self.__LoadACCNames() if app.loggined: self.Connect(self.id, self.pwd) self.connectBoard.Hide() self.loginBoard.Hide() elif not self.stream.isAutoLogin: self.connectBoard.Show() self.loginBoard.Show() ## if users have the login infomation, then don't initialize.2005.9 haho if self.idEditLine == None: self.idEditLine.SetText("") if self.pwdEditLine == None: self.pwdEditLine.SetText("") self.idEditLine.SetFocus() global SKIP_LOGIN_PHASE if SKIP_LOGIN_PHASE: if not self.loginInfo: self.connectBoard.Hide() def __OnSelectRegionGroup(self): self.__RefreshServerList() def __OnSelectSettlementArea(self): # SEVER_LIST_BUG_FIX regionID = self.__GetRegionID() serverID = self.serverListOnRegionBoard.GetSelectedItem() serverIndex = self.__ServerIDToServerIndex(regionID, serverID) self.serverList.SelectItem(serverIndex) # END_OF_SEVER_LIST_BUG_FIX self.__OnSelectServer() def __RefreshServerList(self): regionID = self.__GetRegionID() if not serverInfo.REGION_DICT.has_key(regionID): return self.serverList.ClearItem() regionDict = serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID] # SEVER_LIST_BUG_FIX visible_index = 1 for id, regionDataDict in regionDict.items(): name = regionDataDict.get("name", "noname") if locale.IsBRAZIL() or locale.IsCANADA(): self.serverList.InsertItem(id, "%s" % (name)) else: if locale.IsCIBN10(): if name[0] == "#": self.serverList.InsertItem(-1, " %s" % (name[1:])) else: self.serverList.InsertItem(id, " %s" % (name)) visible_index += 1 else: self.serverList.InsertItem(id, " %02d. %s" % (visible_index, name)) visible_index += 1 # END_OF_SEVER_LIST_BUG_FIX def __OnSelectServer(self): self.__OnCloseInputDialog() self.__RequestServerStateList() self.__RefreshServerStateList() def __RequestServerStateList(self): regionID = self.__GetRegionID() serverID = self.__GetServerID() try: channelDict = serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID][serverID]["channel"] except: print " __RequestServerStateList - serverInfo.REGION_DICT(%d, %d)" % (regionID, serverID) return for id, channelDataDict in channelDict.items(): key=channelDataDict["key"] ip=channelDataDict["ip"] udp_port=channelDataDict["udp_port"] ServerStateChecker.Request(key, ip, udp_port) def __RefreshServerStateList(self): regionID = self.__GetRegionID() serverID = self.__GetServerID() bakChannelID = self.channelList.GetSelectedItem() self.channelList.ClearItem() try: channelDict = serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID][serverID]["channel"] except: print " __RequestServerStateList - serverInfo.REGION_DICT(%d, %d)" % (regionID, serverID) return for channelID, channelDataDict in channelDict.items(): channelName = channelDataDict["name"] channelState = channelDataDict["state"] self.channelList.InsertItem(channelID, " %s %s" % (channelName, channelState)) self.channelList.SelectItem(bakChannelID-1) def __GetChannelName(self, regionID, selServerID, selChannelID): try: return serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID][selServerID]["channel"][selChannelID]["name"] except KeyError: if 9==selChannelID: return locale.CHANNEL_PVP else: return locale.CHANNEL_NORMAL % (selChannelID) def NotifyChannelState(self, addrKey, state): try: stateName=serverInfo.STATE_DICT[state] except: stateName=serverInfo.STATE_NONE regionID=int(addrKey/1000) serverID=int(addrKey/10) % 100 channelID=addrKey%10 try: serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID][serverID]["channel"][channelID]["state"] = stateName self.__RefreshServerStateList() except: import exception exception.Abort(locale.CHANNEL_NOT_FIND_INFO) def __OnClickExitServerButton(self): print "exit server" self.__OpenLoginBoard() if IsFullBackImage(): self.GetChild("demonking").Show() def __OnClickSelectRegionButton(self): regionID = self.__GetRegionID() serverID = self.__GetServerID() if (not serverInfo.REGION_DICT.has_key(regionID)): self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.CHANNEL_SELECT_REGION) return if (not serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID].has_key(serverID)): self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.CHANNEL_SELECT_SERVER) return self.__SaveChannelInfo() self.__RefreshServerList() self.__OpenServerBoard() def __OnClickch1_demon(self): global DEINEIP global CH1PORT global AUTHPORT global SERVERNAME self.stream.SetConnectInfo(DEINEIP, CH1PORT, DEINEIP, AUTHPORT) net.SetServerInfo(SERVERNAME + " - Ch 1") net.SetMarkServer(DEINEIP, CH1PORT) app.SetGuildMarkPath("10.tga") app.SetGuildSymbolPath("10") if CH1STATE: self.ch1_online_demon.Hide() self.ch1_online_markiert_demon.Show() else: self.ch1_offline_demon.Hide() self.ch1_offline_markiert_demon.Show() if CH2STATE: self.ch2_online_demon.Show() self.ch2_online_markiert_demon.Hide() else: self.ch2_offline_demon.Show() self.ch2_offline_markiert_demon.Hide() if CH3STATE: self.ch3_online_demon.Show() self.ch3_online_markiert_demon.Hide() else: self.ch3_offline_demon.Show() self.ch3_offline_markiert_demon.Hide() if CH4STATE: self.ch4_online_demon.Show() self.ch4_online_markiert_demon.Hide() else: self.ch4_offline_demon.Show() self.ch4_offline_markiert_demon.Hide() def __OnClickch2_demon(self): global DEINEIP global CH2PORT global AUTHPORT global SERVERNAME self.stream.SetConnectInfo(DEINEIP, CH2PORT, DEINEIP, AUTHPORT) net.SetServerInfo(SERVERNAME + " - Ch 2") net.SetMarkServer(DEINEIP, CH2PORT) app.SetGuildMarkPath("10.tga") app.SetGuildSymbolPath("10") if CH2STATE: self.ch2_online_demon.Hide() self.ch2_online_markiert_demon.Show() else: self.ch2_offline_demon.Hide() self.ch2_offline_markiert_demon.Show() if CH1STATE: self.ch1_online_demon.Show() self.ch1_online_markiert_demon.Hide() else: self.ch1_offline_demon.Show() self.ch1_offline_markiert_demon.Hide() if CH3STATE: self.ch3_online_demon.Show() self.ch3_online_markiert_demon.Hide() else: self.ch3_offline_demon.Show() self.ch3_offline_markiert_demon.Hide() if CH4STATE: self.ch4_online_demon.Show() self.ch4_online_markiert_demon.Hide() else: self.ch4_offline_demon.Show() self.ch4_offline_markiert_demon.Hide() def __OnClickch3_demon(self): global DEINEIP global CH3PORT global AUTHPORT global SERVERNAME self.stream.SetConnectInfo(DEINEIP, CH3PORT, DEINEIP, AUTHPORT) net.SetServerInfo(SERVERNAME + " - Ch 3") net.SetMarkServer(DEINEIP, CH3PORT) app.SetGuildMarkPath("10.tga") app.SetGuildSymbolPath("10") if CH3STATE: self.ch3_online_demon.Hide() self.ch3_online_markiert_demon.Show() else: self.ch3_offline_demon.Hide() self.ch3_offline_markiert_demon.Show() if CH2STATE: self.ch2_online_demon.Show() self.ch2_online_markiert_demon.Hide() else: self.ch2_offline_demon.Show() self.ch2_offline_markiert_demon.Hide() if CH1STATE: self.ch1_online_demon.Show() self.ch1_online_markiert_demon.Hide() else: self.ch1_offline_demon.Show() self.ch1_offline_markiert_demon.Hide() if CH4STATE: self.ch4_online_demon.Show() self.ch4_online_markiert_demon.Hide() else: self.ch4_offline_demon.Show() self.ch4_offline_markiert_demon.Hide() def __OnClickch4_demon(self): global DEINEIP global CH4PORT global AUTHPORT global SERVERNAME self.stream.SetConnectInfo(DEINEIP, CH4PORT, DEINEIP, AUTHPORT) net.SetServerInfo(SERVERNAME + " - Ch 4") net.SetMarkServer(DEINEIP, CH4PORT) app.SetGuildMarkPath("10.tga") app.SetGuildSymbolPath("10") if CH4STATE: self.ch4_online_demon.Hide() self.ch4_online_markiert_demon.Show() else: self.ch4_offline_demon.Hide() self.ch4_offline_markiert_demon.Show() if CH2STATE: self.ch2_online_demon.Show() self.ch2_online_markiert_demon.Hide() else: self.ch2_offline_demon.Show() self.ch2_offline_markiert_demon.Hide() if CH3STATE: self.ch3_online_demon.Show() self.ch3_online_markiert_demon.Hide() else: self.ch3_offline_demon.Show() self.ch3_offline_markiert_demon.Hide() if CH1STATE: self.ch1_online_demon.Show() self.ch1_online_markiert_demon.Hide() else: self.ch1_offline_demon.Show() self.ch1_offline_markiert_demon.Hide() def __forum(self): global FORUMLINK os.system("start " + FORUMLINK) def __youtube(self): global YOUTUBELINK os.system("start " + YOUTUBELINK) def __facebook(self): global FACEBOOKLINK os.system("start " + FACEBOOKLINK) def __OnClickLoginButton(self): id = self.idEditLine.GetText() pwd = self.pwdEditLine.GetText() if len(id)==0: self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.LOGIN_INPUT_ID, self.SetIDEditLineFocus) return if len(pwd)==0: self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.LOGIN_INPUT_PASSWORD, self.SetPasswordEditLineFocus) return if LOGINDATENSPEICHERN==1: id = self.idEditLine.GetText() pwd = self.pwdEditLine.GetText() f = open("packloginsetting", "w") f.write (id + "n" + pwd) f.close() self.Connect(id, pwd) Bien abra que editar un par de cosas para que nos funcione correctamente.
    Lo primero será editar la "DEINEIP" que será poner nuestra ip. Ejemplo:
    Lo segundo será editar los "CH1PORT - CH2PORT - CH3PORT - CH4PORT"
    Para conseguir los CH Port tendremos que ir al FTP y ir a Channel 1 y abrimos el Config y hay pondrá "Port: " y ese será el CH1Port ahora aremos lo mismo con los 4.
    Bien ahora que tenemos los 4 falta 1 sola cosa. El "AUTHPORT" que estará en cada caso en auth o en mi caso "invoice" y abriremos otra vez Config y pondremos el PORT.
    Una vez hecho eso compilamos root y sustituimos el antiguo por el nuevo.
    Ahora descompilamos nuestro locale "locale_de locale_es" lo que tengáis.
    Bien y tendremos que abrir la carpeta UI.
    Una vez hay sustituimos el archivo "login.png" por el nuevo que os daré:

    Bien ahora tendremos que sustituir "loginwindow.py" por el que os daré:
    import uiScriptLocale LOCALE_PATH = uiScriptLocale.LOGIN_PATHSERVER_BOARD_HEIGHT = 220SERVER_LIST_HEIGHT = 170window = { "name" : "LoginWindow", "sytle" : ("movable",), "x" : 0, "y" : 0, "width" : SCREEN_WIDTH, "height" : SCREEN_HEIGHT, "children" : ( ## Board { "name" : "demonking", "type" : "expanded_image", "x" : 0, "y" : 0, "x_scale" : float(SCREEN_WIDTH) / 1024.0, "y_scale" : float(SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 768.0, #"x_scale" : float(SCREEN_WIDTH) / 1920.0, #"y_scale" : float(SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 1080.0, "image" : "locale/de/ui/login.jpg", "children" : ( { "name" : "unten_rechts", "type" : "image", "x" : SCREEN_WIDTH - 1920, "y" : SCREEN_HEIGHT - 80, "image" : "locale/de/ui/login/unten_rechts.tga", }, { "name" : "unten_links", "type" : "image", "x" : 0, "y" : SCREEN_HEIGHT - 16, "image" : "locale/de/ui/login/unten_links.tga", }, { "name" : "endles", "type" : "button", "x" : (SCREEN_WIDTH - 127) / 1, "y" : 20, "default_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/exit.tga", "over_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/exit_hover.tga", "down_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/exit_hover.tga", "text" : "", }, { "name" : "forum", "type" : "button", "x" : (SCREEN_WIDTH - 136) / 1, "y" : (SCREEN_HEIGHT - 56) / 1, "default_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/forum.tga", "over_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/forum_hover.tga", "down_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/forum_hover.tga", "text" : "", }, { "name" : "youtube", "type" : "button", "x" : (SCREEN_WIDTH - 254) / 1, "y" : (SCREEN_HEIGHT - 56) / 1, "default_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Youtube.tga", "over_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Youtube_hover.tga", "down_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Youtube_hover.tga", "text" : "", }, { "name" : "facebook", "type" : "button", "x" : (SCREEN_WIDTH - 374) / 1, "y" : (SCREEN_HEIGHT - 56) / 1, "default_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/fanpage.tga", "over_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/fanpage_hover.tga", "down_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/fanpage_hover.tga", "text" : "", }, ) }, ## ConnectBoard { "name" : "ConnectBoard", "type" : "thinboard", "x" : 10000, "y" : 10000, "width" : 5, "height" : 5, "children" : ( ), }, ## LoginBoard { "name" : "LoginBoard", "type" : "image", "x" : 30, "y" : 0, "image" : "locale/de/ui/login/loginbox.tga", "children" : ( { "name" : "ID_EditLine", "type" : "editline", "x" : 90, "y" : 86, "width" : 120, "height" : 18, "input_limit" : 16, "enable_codepage" : 0, "r" : 0.0, "g" : 0.0, "b" : 0.0, "a" : 9.0, }, { "name" : "Password_EditLine", "type" : "editline", "x" : 90, "y" : 142, "width" : 120, "height" : 18, "input_limit" : 16, "secret_flag" : 1, "enable_codepage" : 0, "r" : 0.0, "g" : 0.0, "b" : 0.0, "a" : 9.0, }, { "name" : "LoginButton", "type" : "button", "x" : 75, "y" : 190, "default_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Login.tga", "over_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Login_hover.tga", "down_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Login_hover.tga", "text" : "", }, { "name" : "Channel1_online_markiert_demon", "type" : "button", "x" : 32, "y" : 269, #"vertical_align" : "center", "default_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel1_online_hover.tga", "over_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel1_online_hover.tga", "down_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel1_online_hover.tga", "text" : "", }, { "name" : "Channel2_online_markiert_demon", "type" : "button", "x" : 32, "y" : 300, #"vertical_align" : "center", "default_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel2_online_hover.tga", "over_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel2_online_hover.tga", "down_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel2_online_hover.tga", "text" : "", }, { "name" : "Channel3_online_markiert_demon", "type" : "button", "x" : 32, "y" : 331, #"vertical_align" : "center", "default_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel3_online_hover.tga", "over_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel3_online_hover.tga", "down_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel3_online_hover.tga", "text" : "", }, { "name" : "Channel4_online_markiert_demon", "type" : "button", "x" : 32, "y" : 362, #"vertical_align" : "center", "default_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel4_online_hover.tga", "over_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel4_online_hover.tga", "down_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel4_online_hover.tga", "text" : "", }, { "name" : "Channel1_offline_markiert_demon", "type" : "button", "x" : 32, "y" : 269, #"vertical_align" : "center", "default_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel1_offline_hover.tga", "over_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel1_offline_hover.tga", "down_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel1_offline_hover.tga", "text" : "", }, { "name" : "Channel2_offline_markiert_demon", "type" : "button", "x" : 32, "y" : 300, #"vertical_align" : "center", "default_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel2_offline_hover.tga", "over_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel2_offline_hover.tga", "down_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel2_offline_hover.tga", "text" : "", }, { "name" : "Channel3_offline_markiert_demon", "type" : "button", "x" : 32, "y" : 331, #"vertical_align" : "center", "default_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel3_offline_hover.tga", "over_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel3_offline_hover.tga", "down_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel3_offline_hover.tga", "text" : "", }, { "name" : "Channel4_offline_markiert_demon", "type" : "button", "x" : 32, "y" : 362, #"vertical_align" : "center", "default_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel4_offline_hover.tga", "over_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel4_offline_hover.tga", "down_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel4_offline_hover.tga", "text" : "", }, { "name" : "Channel1_online_demon", "type" : "button", "x" : 32, "y" : 269, #"vertical_align" : "center", "default_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel1_online.tga", "over_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel1_online_hover.tga", "down_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel1_online_hover.tga", "text" : "", }, { "name" : "Channel2_online_demon", "type" : "button", "x" : 32, "y" : 300, #"vertical_align" : "center", "default_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel2_online.tga", "over_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel2_online_hover.tga", "down_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel2_online_hover.tga", "text" : "", }, { "name" : "Channel3_online_demon", "type" : "button", "x" : 32, "y" : 331, #"vertical_align" : "center", "default_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel3_online.tga", "over_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel3_online_hover.tga", "down_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel3_online_hover.tga", "text" : "", }, { "name" : "Channel4_online_demon", "type" : "button", "x" : 32, "y" : 362, #"vertical_align" : "center", "default_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel4_online.tga", "over_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel4_online_hover.tga", "down_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel4_online_hover.tga", "text" : "", }, { "name" : "Channel1_offline_demon", "type" : "button", "x" : 32, "y" : 269, #"vertical_align" : "center", "default_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel1_offline.tga", "over_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel1_offline_hover.tga", "down_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel1_offline_hover.tga", "text" : "", }, { "name" : "Channel2_offline_demon", "type" : "button", "x" : 32, "y" : 300, #"vertical_align" : "center", "default_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel2_offline.tga", "over_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel2_offline_hover.tga", "down_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel2_offline_hover.tga", "text" : "", }, { "name" : "Channel3_offline_demon", "type" : "button", "x" : 32, "y" : 331, #"vertical_align" : "center", "default_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel3_offline.tga", "over_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel3_offline_hover.tga", "down_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel3_offline_hover.tga", "text" : "", }, { "name" : "Channel4_offline_demon", "type" : "button", "x" : 32, "y" : 362, #"vertical_align" : "center", "default_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel4_offline.tga", "over_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel4_offline_hover.tga", "down_image" : "locale/de/ui/login/Channel4_offline_hover.tga", "text" : "", }, ), }, { "name" : "oben_rechts", "type" : "image", "x" : SCREEN_WIDTH - 1920, "y" : 0, #"horizontal_align" : "center", "image" : "locale/de/ui/login/oben_rechts.tga", }, { "name" : "oben_links", "type" : "image", "x" : 36, "y" : 0, "image" : "locale/de/ui/login/oben_links.tga", }, ## ServerBoard { "name" : "ServerBoard", "type" : "thinboard", "x" : 0, "y" : SCREEN_HEIGHT - SERVER_BOARD_HEIGHT - 150, "width" : 375, "height" : SERVER_BOARD_HEIGHT, "horizontal_align" : "center", "children" : ( ## ListBox { "name" : "ServerList", "type" : "listbox2", "x" : 10, "y" : 40, "width" : 232, "height" : SERVER_LIST_HEIGHT, "row_count" : 18, "item_align" : 0, }, { "name" : "ChannelList", "type" : "listbox", "x" : 255, "y" : 40, "width" : 109, "height" : SERVER_LIST_HEIGHT, "item_align" : 0, }, ), }, ),} Bien ahora que tenemos eso iremos a la carpeta login y sustituimos por los archivos que os daré ahora mismo:
    Debes iniciar sesión para ver el contenido del enlace en esta publicación.
    Bien una vez hecho todo eso compilamos todo y lo sustituimos.
    Ahora lo que haremos será coger estos dos archivos que os voy a dar ahora mismo:
    Debes iniciar sesión para ver el contenido del enlace en esta publicación.
    Y los pondremos en la raíz del cliente. "Donde das click al Metin2.exe para abrir el sv".
    Y ya esta debería funcionar ^.^
    Debes iniciar sesión para ver el contenido del enlace en esta publicación.  
    Y mi agradecimiento a jfirewall por decirme como hacer funcionar los port.
  16. Me Gusta
    AndRed Official reacted to WorldArd in [Release]Sword Effect   
    pues como dice el titulo vengo a aportar esta arma que quizas algunos les servira

    Debes iniciar sesión para ver el contenido del enlace en esta publicación.  
    el efecto y la arma son de pruebas no es gran cosa , sin animacion alguna 

    esa imagen es sin el efecto que agrege hoy

    Debes iniciar sesión para ver el contenido del enlace en esta publicación.
  17. Me Gusta
    AndRed Official reacted to AnonymousJr in [Primer Aporte]Guerrera +18   
    Buenas A Todos Para Alguno No Sera Un Gran Aporte, Pero Bueno Vamos Directo Al Grano.


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  18. Me Gusta
    AndRed Official reacted to santos2002 in arma con effecto   
    alguien sabe como implamentarlo
    yo no lo he conseguido solo se ve el arma pero el effecto no me sale sale 
    si alguien sabe hacerlo contacte conmigo

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  19. Me Gusta
    AndRed Official reacted to 【ℛ-𝓝】ℛ𝔂𝓼𝒆 in [SET] Armas con efecto   
    Debes iniciar sesión para ver el contenido del enlace en esta publicación.
  20. Me Gusta
    AndRed Official reacted to Cris in Skin y armas Setaou   
    Creo que te refieres a este set, te lo dejo de todos modos por si te sirve...

    Debes iniciar sesión para ver el contenido del enlace en esta publicación.  
    Espero mis gracias!.
  21. Me Gusta
    AndRed Official reacted to Sir Lancelot in [Traje] Ermitaño+ texturas + icon!   
    Muy buenas noches! Hoy les traigo al foro este pedazo de traje que la verdad queda muy bonito en el server... no hay mucho que escribir, dejo las caracteristicas y los links. Saludos! .
    Link del Traje Ermitaño:

    Que contiene la carpeta:
    Imagenes del Traje:


    Debes iniciar sesión para ver el contenido del enlace en esta publicación.  
    Espero que les haya gustado el aporte... la verdad me encanta como queda el traje.
    Saludos .
  22. Me Gusta
    AndRed Official reacted to LORDCarlo™ in Nuevos BRILLOS Armaduras   
    Hola M2Z buscando por un foro encontre unos brillos para armaduras son varios le dejo imagen si no me creen!!!

    aquie el link de descarga: Debes iniciar sesión para ver el contenido del enlace en esta publicación.

    PD: esto lo encontre en UJ creditos a quien los posteo: Debes iniciar sesión para ver el contenido del enlace en esta publicación.

    Agradecer no cuesta nada!!!!
  23. Me Gusta
    AndRed Official reacted to Randaron in Creador de Items para files 40k [Dowload]   
    Hola buenas tardes , Hoy dia 21/08/2018  a las 15:55
    vengo a compartir una aplicación que crear lineas automáticamente para la implementacion de Items en metin2 , el programa esta creado para facilitar las creaciones de lineas para implementar algo en tu servidor.
    Lenguaje de programación: Java
    Compatible con game : 40K
    Idioma : Ingles
    versión del programa : 1.1
    Autor : DarkBozZ
    Suscripción : No olvides dar "Me Gusta" al post y comentar que tal te ha parecido el programa 
    Descargas : Debes iniciar sesión para ver el contenido del enlace en esta publicación.
  24. Me Gusta
    AndRed Official reacted to Digital-RBK in [ARMADURAS] Revolution Set 2015-[icluye new armor para lycan]-Link[MG]   
    Hola gente de zone, pues estaba bastante jodido, como sabeis no me puedo mover mucho, y me tire toda la tarde sin internet y pues bueno, me puse a adaptar unas armaduras a las que he bautizado




    Como sinceramente no creo que aga anda con ellas, aunque podria venderlas perfectamente, creo que las aportare al foro asi las disfrutamos todos.




    Imagenes del set, ya podreis hacer una idea que son todas del mismo estilo





    Descarga: Debes iniciar sesión para ver el contenido del enlace en esta publicación.

    Descarga el Lycan: Debes iniciar sesión para ver el contenido del enlace en esta publicación.

    "El lycan quedan resolver unos bugs"


    "Estan sin testear, cualquier fallo, aganmelo saber"



    Si te gusto el aporte, siempre puedes ayudar a que siga aportando al foro con una pequeña donacion a mi paypal

    Debes iniciar sesión para ver el contenido del enlace en esta publicación.<script cf-hash='f9e31' type="text/javascript"> /* */</script>


    ¡Cualquier donacion es bienvenida!




    Lucan ingam


  25. Me Gusta
    AndRed Official reacted to Shang in [RLS] Sistema de elegir doctrinas.   
    Hola zoneros, como nunca posteo nada y siempre estoy tocando los huevos... hoy me he decidido a postear este mini sistema que hice para
    Debes iniciar sesión para ver el contenido del enlace en esta publicación..

    El sistema consiste en que cuando subes a nivel 5, te sale un cuadro para elegir la doctrina que quieres sin tener que ir a ningún maestro de habilidad. Claro que tendréis que quitar la quest que te manda con los maestros. (skill_group.quest creo que se llama)

    Esta es una imágen del sistema:

    Debes iniciar sesión para ver el contenido del enlace en esta publicación.


    PD: Sé que me podría haber ahorrado 100 lineas en el script py, pero por aquél entonces no pilotaba tanto como ahora...
    PD2: Gracias LoveVago por las imágenes xD.

    Si hay alguna duda preguntad en el post.
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