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Mensajes publicados por PACI

  1. hace 15 horas, Jfirewall dijo:

    en lo personal yo lo uso mejor en pet y monturas, me parece muy molesto esa puta bandera en un pet o una montura






    agregamos primero:
    #include "../gamelib/ItemManager.h"
    buscas void CInstanceBase::__AttachEmpireEffect(DWORD eEmpire) debajo de CInstanceBase* pkInstMain=__GetMainInstancePtr(); agregas:
    CItemData * pItemData = CItemManager::Instance().GetSelectedItemDataPointer();
    debajo de if (IsResource()) ponemos
    if (CItemData::COSTUME_MOUNT)
    if (GetRace() >= 53001 && GetRace() <= 53251)


    Todo lo que has puesto ahí relacionado con item sobra, no tiene sentido alguno. Defines un pointer al último item seleccionado por el jugador y no lo usas.

  2. First of all, put yourself in the players' position. How annoying would that be? Like, as soon as you enter any kind of games all you wanna do is to play instantly.

    But let's suppose, for instance, that what I said before ain't a problem. I'm gonna guess this is a way to somehow avoid cheating and it will prompt the code window only one time per login*.
    Now, there're a few easy ways to bypass it. As long as you enter the code, it (kinda) unlocks the character, so it will be able to play without limitations, right?
    Here, you can:
    - Enable whatever your hack is, after successfuly entering the generated code;
    - Build a simple python-script to brute-force the code until the right one is found. Considering it only has 5 digits and all of them are numbers, that would be pretty easy.

    *I just replayed the video, and I've seen an interesting system message (Time expired. You have to set the code.). In that case, there you can see where the annoying part comes from once again (apart from what I said in the first line of this post).

  3. local data = {
    --		Mapa		x		y		Lvl		Gold		Item
    	{"Thunder",		11664, 16779,	80,		10000000, 27992},
    	{"Cape",		11043, 17885,	90,		20000000, 27993},
    	{"Nephrite",	10963, 16744,	100,	30000000, 27994},
    local options = {}
    for i = 1, table.getn(data) do
    	table.insert(options, data[i][1])
    table.insert(options, "Cancelar")
    local sel = select_table(options)
    if sel == table.getn(options)
    local minLevel = data[sel][4]
    local neededGold = data[sel][5]
    local neededItem = data[sel][6]
    if pc.get_level() < minLevel then
    	say("no level")
    elseif pc.get_gold() < neededGold then
    	say("no gold")
    elseif pc.count_item(neededItem) < 1 then
    	say("no item")
    pc.change_gold(- neededGold)
    pc.warp(data[sel][2] * 100, data[sel][3] * 100)

    Así también igual te sirve, como te parezca más facil.

  4. dejo ejemplos en lua y python:


    bVar = True

    print "true condition sentence" if bVar else "false condition sentence"

    > "true condition sentence"


    bVar = false

    print(bVar and "true condition sentence" or "false condition sentence")

    > "false condition sentence"


    nota: en python también se puede utilizar el and/or.

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