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  3. Game Launcher: 10 languages (English, Portuguese, Deutsch, Spanish, Romanian, Turkish, Polish, Hungarian, French, Italian) Account Management (Unlimited Accounts) Automatic game login Real-time language switching News with multi-language support News using Chromium Browser Open the game with argument Guaranteed performance on any computer Accounts stored in the windows registry Accounts encrypted with AES ZIP compression Game Launcher Administrator: 10 languages (English, Portuguese, Deutsch, Spanish, Romanian, Turkish, Polish, Hungarian, French, Italian) Real-time language switching Guaranteed performance on any computer ZIP compression Create manual updates Create automatic updates (Automatic SSH upload) More info: https://papix.work/store/game-launcher/
  4. Ayer
  5. Duda. los datos que se supone que tienen las credenciales de BSD, Mysql etc. alguien los tienes?
  6. La semana pasada
  7. Pondrás algo mala para que te salga eso, ya que yo hago de todo en exel y nunca me sale eso xd
  8. Pequeña duda, he seguido todos los pasos. pero al poner la ip en los files y compilar no me abre el cliente.
  9. Al editar con Excel y luego ir a poner el .txt en los serverfiles y te lanzaba Connection refused, ahí debes revisar el syserr de la db y te dice la línea del error. El problema se debe a los caracteres coreanos, en la columna name, que no se lograba separar el name con el type con un tabulador sino con un espacio. Solo es ir a esa línea y cambiar el espacio por el tabulador.
  10. Lo gracioso del asunto es que siempre que usaba excel me dañaba los protos, igual nunca revise que detalle podria ser e.e
  11. Falta password al enlace @Kronixer™
  12. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vAvCDa0chytBqHfmcAftCGj6FjRiqOY-/view?usp=sharing
  13. Siempre que dudéis de algún programa pasarlo por virustotal. Os lo descargáis en una maquina virtualbox con Windows y lo subís a la plataforma y lo pasara por un scanner. Por otro lado, siempre que tenéis duda podéis darle a reportar el post y será revisado por la administración. Un saludo
  14. Alguien me puede ayudar pk me sale este error al compilar el src Version de FreeBSD: 9.2 GCC: 49
  15. I am facing an error when assembling the root. I cannot open the tool Packmanager.bat
  16. Hello community, I've created a tool to make the experience of editing the mob proto more comfortable. Download: https://ko-fi.com/post/Mob-Proto-Editor-F1F0XL6VV
  17. Hello community, I decided to create a mini function in python for my server that adds the information if the player can drop or not on mobs and stones. @root/uitarget.py (Adapt to your code) if ((player_level > monsterLevel) and abs(player_level-monsterLevel) > 15): self.AppendTextLine("|cffD14646You can't drop items {}.".format("in this metin" if is_stone else "in this monster")) # self.AppendTextLine("Reason: The difference in levels is more than 15.") else: self.AppendTextLine("|cff8cf774You can drop items {}.".format("in this metin" if is_stone else "in this monster"))
  18. Hello community, The values associated with movespeed are BYTE (255) by default, in this short guide I'll teach you how to change them to short (65535). Binary // @Userinterface/Locale_inc.h // Add #define ENABLE_EXTEND_MOVE_SPEED // @Userinterface/Packet.h // Inside these typedef struct typedef struct packet_add_char typedef struct packet_add_char2 typedef struct packet_update_char typedef struct packet_update_char2 // replace this BYTE bMovingSpeed; // With this #ifdef ENABLE_EXTEND_MOVE_SPEED short bMovingSpeed; #else BYTE bMovingSpeed; #endif Source // @common/service.h // Add #define ENABLE_EXTEND_MOVE_SPEED // @game/packet.h // Inside these typedef struct typedef struct packet_add_char typedef struct packet_add_char2 typedef struct packet_update_char typedef struct packet_update_char2 // replace this BYTE bMovingSpeed; // With this #ifdef ENABLE_EXTEND_MOVE_SPEED short bMovingSpeed; #else BYTE bMovingSpeed; #endif
  19. Hello community, In this guide I'm going to teach you how to install nginx + php 8.1 on freebsd. Step by Step # Install the packages pkg install -y php81 nginx pkg install -y php81-extensions php81-mysqli php81-mbstring php81-curl php81-gd # Start the services when starting the operating system sysrc nginx_enable=yes sysrc php_fpm_enable=YES # Start the services service nginx start service php-fpm start # Create the directory /var/www # Replace the server { in: @/usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf server { listen 80; server_name localhost; root /var/www; index index.php index.html index.htm; location / { try_files $uri $uri/ =404; } location ~ \.php$ { try_files $uri =404; fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$; fastcgi_pass; fastcgi_index index.php; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $request_filename; include fastcgi_params; } location ~ /\.ht { deny all; } } # Restart nginx service nginx restart # Done! You can place the web files in the directory: @/var/www
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