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Ava2 Remastered - International server PvM Easy Farm


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Ava2 - Remastered | Apertura 23-06-2023 19:00 CET 


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*UP - Patch Notes - v.*

We started with the first maintenance! [v.], by which we made some installations, changes and fixed some common bugs.

 We have installed the [Support System - ESC Key]. This system is a great help as you can report in real time any problem you have, such as [Suggestions, Bugs, Hacks and ItemShop]. Our support team will be available 24/7 both in this new system and in Discord.


In contribution to Support, we have enabled the [GM] list, which you can find in your friends list section in the [Team] section. This will show you whenever there is a member of our team online to help you in case you need it. It is vitally important that if it is a serious case, it is best to generate a ticket through support.


New selective notices for the following statuses [Events, dungeons, new players, maintenance and others]. These notices in general.

New icons and appearance in our Minimap.


Fixed a bug in the language [RO] that didn't allow to sell after 2 units.

Improved some drops in General that will give a touch to the gameplay.

New descriptions in some items in the Consumables Store, this is to inform about them.

Vote4Buff] has been enabled. This system has special bonuses during [24 hours], that every time and daily that you make the vote, this will be enabled according to a bonus that you choose.

IMPORTANT: Some internal configurations were stabilized to improve server performance, with success.

*UP - Patch Notes - v.*

We keep improving for you! [v.], through which we made installations, corrections and suggestions that were taken.

An important event has been enabled and it will be available through the [F11] key. This system has the function of giving you a Chest which will give you different quest books which you will be able to enable and visualize in the above mentioned section. It is important to perform this type of quests because you will be able to obtain useful objects as you advance.


The PVP Tournament has been installed, where you will be able to fight and show how strong you are. Information about it and how it works will be provided in the next few days.


The movement of the "Trade Manager" has been deactivated, in order to leave it static so that it can be entered in the Trade Map.


IMPORTANT: Some drops and internal fixes were implemented to improve the server performance.

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hace 3 horas, TrafalgarLaw dijo:

que este no del admimistrador del primer AVA Xd es un usuario que pesco los files ava de otro foro y lo monto y dijo lo abrire como AVA porque no se da la paja de hacer algo por el

Pero si es member el mismo adm del anterior jaja esta en el mismo discord 

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*UP - Patch Notes - v.*

We keep improving for you! [v.], we made some internal and external fixes.

- Fixed item drop in the Baroness, this in order to give the items reported in the "?".
- Corrected text in the description of "Player's Soul" in the RO language.
- Internal corrections were made to improve the server performance.

*UP - Patch Notes - v.*

We keep improving for you! [v.], we made some internal and external fixes.

- Battle Pass for the month of "July" is installed.
- Internal corrections were made to improve the server performance.

*UP - Patch Notes - v.*

We keep improving for you! [v.], we have installed some internal and external systems and corrections.

- Due to the influence of improving your bonuses we have implemented a very important system that will help you to have your bonuses perfect between (5 or more bonuses). This in order to favor those players who spend hours and hours trying to improve their equipment. This system goes along with the total farmeo since you must get some items to obtain them through the Cratfeo or in the Item Shop.


1. A new NPC arrives with the name [ Kawuco ], who will be permanent in city 1 of your realm and Cape Dragon.
2. This NPC has two important functions to take into account. He will have a Cratfeo that will give you different items between a percentage ranging from 10% - 20% - 40% - 70% and 100%.
3. He will have a special store where you can buy these items from Yang to use them in the Cratfeo.
4. You will also be able to get all these upgrade bonuses in the Item Shop, in the [ Upgrades ] category.









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- Fixed some Drops in general, especially in the Yohara continent.
- Decreased by half the attack of some Mobs from Yohara continent.
- Increased the HP of some Mobs from Yohara continent.
- Internal fixes have been made to improve server performance.

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Mi historia: No puedo acceder al juego porque según ellos me faltan unas librerias o yo que sé (Llevo más de 10 años jugando a metin2 y nunca me ha pasado esto). Casi una semana enviando tickets en su discord y siendo ignorado. Cuando me quejo en el chat global me bloquean y me expulsan del servidor riéndose de mí y todo, muy normal. No diría que si es recomendable o no porque no saben ni hacer un launcher en condiciones, pero el staff deja mucho que desear

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