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Rodnia.to - Servidor FAME Speed 21.07.2023 | Mecánicas Simplificadas | Progresión Optimizada | Premios en Efectivo Real


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Mecánicas Simplificadas | Progresión Optimizada | Premios en Dinero Real | Granja Equilibrada | Nivelación Suave | PvP de Nivel 75




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  • Rodnia2 changed the title to Rodnia.to | Internacional | Lanzamiento del nuevo servidor FAME 02.03.2023
  • 4 weeks later...

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Tomorrow is a special day of celebration. "Dragobete" is a traditional holiday celebrated in Romania on February 24th, and it is often referred to as the Romanian version of Valentine's Day. It is a day when people celebrate love, happiness, and the arrival of spring.

  • That's why on the occasion of this day, we have prepared a series of Events and news in the Item-shop FOR FREE.
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Maintenance 24.02.2023
Game version is now 3.4.2

  • Improved our Anti-Cheat.
  • Added new categories at Weekly Rankings.
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  • Added Wings Bonus Transfer in Item-Shop.
    Drag the item on Blessed Wings to absorb their bonuses|Drag the item on normal Wings to add the absorbed bonuses.
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  • Added the Custom Outfits made until 16.02.2023.
  • Added Legendary Lucky Chest III in the Item-Shop. You can obtain the rare Callisto & Astrum sets.
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Fixes & Changes:
  • Reworked the login so it will be faster and the issue with "Your account is already connected" won't be encountered anymore.
  • Reworked chat auto-announcements, they will appear in order from 5 in 5 minutes, with another color to be more visible.
    We also added some information about Soul Lottery & Vote4Buff too.
  • Raised respawn cooldown of Beta Bosses to 20 minutes.
  • Alastor Air Stone was dropping Moonlight Chest instead of Sunlight Chest.
  • Added required levels for all maps when teleporting from Dungeon Information(F6) window.
  • Updated Map[M] bosses respawn information for Meroklet and Arcanis bosses.
  • Teleporting outside when login in a dungeon map, if the dungeon was not active, didn't work.
  • In the Reborn window some bonus values were not displayed properly. At Reborn II you will get +4% Strong vs. All not +5%, and at Reborn III you get +5% Strong vs. All not +4%.
  • You can close a PM(private message) by using CTRL+LEFT MOUSE CLICK on the PM's icon.
  • Added the missing bonuses in the 6/7 Rarity wiki guide.
  • Added Pearls in Sunlight Chest. These chests won't drop as many pearls as the Moonlight Chest.
  • Added Blue and White pearl when crafting the Razador Pass, Chaos Pass, Nephrite Pass.
  • Added a new variant to craft the Advanced Energy Crystals using old Energy Crystals. The crafting will take the first crystals found in your inventory (in case you have multiple stacks).
  • Added 1 more Garnet and Emerald Fragments for crafting the Beran, Azrael, Baroness Passes.
  • Added Peach Flower Wine Chest, Crystal Soul Ore Chest, Sealed Soul Ore Chest at General Store. These chests contain 2000 items and they are used to save inventory space.
  • Added the drop at Wiki for Hydra Expert.
  • Nemere, Razador, Jotun and Nephrite will now regen their HP a little bit faster.
  • Made the totem inside the Devil's Catacombs smaller.
  • Made Mount Manny and the other variations of this mount faster.
  • Maat Stones will drop twice as fast at Razador Dungeon.
  • Pet & Mount Name scroll items will dissapear in 7 or 14 days if they are not used from the inventory.
  • Changed Jotun, Hydra, Malivore Passes to ask for Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby and Garnet Fragments instead of rubies as those fragments don't have any value we thought of this solution to increase their price.
  • Replaced 180 Attack value with -30% Strong vs. All on PvP Pets and increased the Magical/Physical attack to 10% to balance the removed bonus. This change was done because so people would not use the PvP pets in PvM.
  • There will be 10% tax when buying back Ancient Coins from Chen to avoid people spam-using them. If you want to sell a big amount of them to a player you can trade them like the yang without any tax from the trade window.
  • Fixed at Dungeon Information window(F6) that it didn't saved the hidden dungeons after re-opening the game.
  • Fixed that sometimes when you use a fast mount, you are teleported a few steps back.
  • Fixed that you could enter some maps where you shouldn't enter with more than one character per PC.
  • Fixed that hairstyles weren't displayed when previewing the items from Custom Chest.
  • Fixed a problem at Reborn system. Now when you use reborn you will be teleported in Map1 of your kingdom.
  • Fixed when using Fast Equipment option it will change your Buffi items too.
  • Fixed Buffi accessories were bugged, if you change them while your Buffi wasn't activated they will give you the bonuses doubled.
  • Fixed when inventory is locked the Pet & Mount skins will be locked now too.
  • Fixed when someone bought an item from your shop, but you teleported to another map, the message will be displayed in the top left corner of the game window until someone else will buy another item.
  • Fixed a problem when buying Potion Chest from Rise Item-Shop, potions time was set to 0.
  • Fixed Green Magic, it didn't work on level 1 items.
  • Fixed Enchant Item, it didn't work on items under level 40.
  • Fixed that if you were in a party you can't click the UI near the group members names.
  • Fixed when you tried to join someone's party more than one time, the client was crashing.
    We also added a 5 seconds cooldown between party invite requests to avoid spammers.
  • Fixed login session on Fame website. If you logged in on website you had to login again on Item-Shop too.
  • You can now enter Test dungeon Boss map from level 40, so you can test the bosses even if you don't meed the dungeon required level.
  • Some old potions from Rise could not be stacked with the new potions.
  • Removed some debug messages appearing in chat.
  • Falak's name was set too high above his head.
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Spring has finally arrived, and with it comes a new and exciting event for all our players, Spring Event - The Reborn of the Mystic Realm. During this event, you will have the opportunity to embark on special achievements and challenges that will test your skills and reward you with unique items.

In the structure of this event, 3 new important facilities was added:
  • Invasion of the Elemental Monsters
  • Spring lottery
  • Spring achievements

Lastly, we have some surprise bonuses and gifts for our dedicated players who are with us at the beginning of the Spring Event. So what are you waiting for? Join us now and celebrate the arrival of spring.
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  • 2 weeks later...
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Maintenance 17.03.2023
Game version is now 3.4.7

  • Added a new chest in Item-Shop named Druid Chest where you can choose if you want your set to be Added two sets of limited offers, Victoria and Ascot sets.
  • Added a button to use Letter Event 10 times at once.
  • Added outline to the chat text so it will be more visible.
  • Added two filter options when using Search Shop: Wings Bless Level & Item Rarity Level.

Fixes & Changes
  1. Made all items from the Newcomer Chests permanent and lowered their bonus. You will receive the Newcomer Chest when you create a new character. The chest is also available at the General Store for people that don't have it anymore.
  • Changed the Beginner Battlepass prizes. Mainly added one more Buffi and Auto Pickup and removed the OX pet and mount because they were too OP and they were setting the players expectations too high for 2 days.
  • Monsters in Level 90+ Maps(beta ones) are no longer aggresive, they will not attack the player unless attacked first.
  • Almost all bosses will not spawn in the exact same spot every time, they will spawn a little bit to the side randomly and they will no longer be aggresive to avoid afk farmers.
  • Improved search shop function to search an item and added new subcategories.
  • Fixed some problems in PvP Tournament - Heroes Brawl event.
  • Fixed the translation of Expert Dungeon Bosses.
  • Fixed the prices of some items when sold at NPCs.
  • Fixed an issue in the offline shop item insert window when editing item price where the line always jumped to the end when trying to delete a value.
  • Fixed an issue at the Shadow Potion, the bonuses appeared 2 times and with different values.
  • Fixed translations on Turkish in chat, they were broken from the last maintenance.
  • Fixed the price when adding reinforcements to Weapons/Armors. Also, the required price was changed to 25,000,000 Yang.
  • Fixed HP bar on Monsters target board.
  • Fixed at Razador that you could change the channel and kill it again.
  • Fixed an issue with the message your account is already connected.
  • Fixed at shops that if you had your inventory full the bought items were dropped on the ground.
  • The game crashed on Spanish/Portuguese when you tried to join a full party.
  • Increased the amount of Mithril, Enchanted Scroll, Druid Potion, Soulless Scroll needed to craft Orisons to raise these item's prices.
  • At Premium System, you can now add 150 items in Offline Shop.
  • Changed the maximum amount of Yang a player can sell an item for to 5kkkk.
  • Made almost all NPCs bigger in size.
  • Now you can use "Test Boss" function at every level.
  • Adjusted the price of level 30 weapons from the weapon shop. Adjusted the price of items from the general store.
  • Removed the Anti-EXP button near experience because it already exists in Character Window[C].
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Maintenance 25.03.2023
Game version is now 3.4.8


  • Added Custom Outfits.
  • Added Cursed Ghost Pirate at the spawn of Boss Scroll(Legendary).
  • Added a community map names Oasis, where we want to add the important NPCs from the Magic Land.
  • Added NPCs with the skins for Heroes Brawl, Combat Zone, Battlepass.

Fixes & Changes

  • Added an extra information at the tooltip of the Elemental Rings page.
  • Added key information about how to open Preview window in the description of the Mount & Pet skins.
  • Added some missing translations.
  • Added a missing effect in the Pirate Dungeon.
  • Added one more Air/Water/Earth/Fire Chest in the Air/Water/Earth/Fire Treasure from Arcanis Stones.
  • Added NPC Uriel in Map2 or both kingdoms.
  • Changed Soul Lottery reward with Voucher(100 RC).
  • Changed so the Hunting Quest Missions won't open up automatically on screen, you need to click on the letter from the Quest page.
  • Increased the drop chance at the Dungeon Pass Event from +20% to +35%.
  • Fixed that in some dungeons the Dungeon Pass Event function was not active.
  • Fixed the issue with the achivement mission about staying online, it was counting the minutes, not the seconds.
  • Fixed a bug when messaging a staff member and the PM window was resized.
  • Fixed an issue with the game crashing when teleporting.
  • Fixed the missing effect of Cursed Dragon Daggers.
  • Fixed an issue at items icons when accessing Item-Shop from the game.
  • Fixed an issue at the Buffi Armors, the defence of the Armor was taken into consideration and it shouldn't.
  • Fast equipment will now change only the items added there, will not move anymore the items to the slots > - which are empty in the fast equipment page.
  • Made so we can add multiple required items to buy when buying an item from an NPC.
  • Made starting bell to have level 1 instead of level 10.
  • Made the Buffi from Battlepass Shop and Symbol Event tradable.
  • Made the Auto Pickup from the symbol event tradable. Also Auto Pickup will now expire in your inventory if it's not used.
  • Small bosses like Orc Chief and Spider Queen will not spawn in the same place anymore and they will not be aggresive unless attacked first to avoid AFK farming. Their respawn cooldown is now 10 minutes.
  • Updated quest windows, the text will auto arrange on the new rows to not go outside the box, also it will increase his height based on the text height.
  • Updated Wiki with information about the required damage at Expert Dungeon Bosses.
  • Raised the cooldown of Snake Queen to 2h.
  • Warrior & Sura toggle skills won't dissappear anymore if you are killed by a Monster/Boss.
  • Expert Dungeons are counting now as 2 on Blessed Wings tasks.
  • Removed Bloody Crystal from Hydra drop.
  • Lowered the amount of Powershard(Medium) needed to craft Powershard(High) at Theowahdan from 3 to 2.
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The Fame server is back Online and as you know, our team has been working tirelessly to address the issues and get the server back online as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.To make up for the inconvenience, we have prepared an exciting list of events for you to enjoy. Here is the list with the EVENTS that will be organized Friday(31.03) on both servers Rise and Fame and FREE ITEMS that will be available only for Fame server.


  • 12:00 GMT+3 Enchant Event 12 hours
  • 18:30 GMT+3 Double Metin 2 hour
  • 20:30 GMT+3 PvM Event 30 minutes
  • 21:00 GMT+3 OX Event 1 round
  • 22:30 GMT+3 Double Boss 2 hours


  • Premium (3 days)
  • Buffi (3 days)
  • Buffi accesories (3 days)
  • Mount Manny(3 days)
  • Pet Furry(3 days)
  • Autopickup (3 days)

Run the game with the Patcher located in the game folder.

We also have a few things to specify in order not to panic:
-The time lost on the temporary items will be put back in the socket, so you haven't lost anything.
-Those who will not be able to complete the Battlepass due to the time the server was closed will have to create a support ticket:

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-The Easter and Ramadan Event will have a delay in adding to the game. You can view the topic here:
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We are committed to providing you with the best possible gameplay experience, and as part of that commitment, we have some exciting plans for the future. One of our main goals is to grow and strengthen our community. Recently was installed 2 servers that are synchronized, which means that all data will be automatically transferred between them, everything to prevent in the future this type of problems.

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We are excited to announce the launch of our special Easter and Ramadan Event!

During this event, you will be able to participate in a wide range of exciting challenges, with exclusive rewards and prizes for those who complete them.
News that these event bring:
  • Weekly Ranking (with prizes in RC)
  • Achievement System
  • Global Easter Goal
  • Ramadan Salvation Stone
  • Bunzy's Workshop
  • Easter Sanctuary
  • World Boss - Rubius

We are waiting for your opinions and feedback:
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So what are you waiting for? Join us in celebrating Easter and Ramadan. Let's work together to achieve our goal and earn exclusive rewards along the way. Happy holidays, and good luck on your adventures!

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As part of our ongoing efforts to improve the game experience for our players, we will be introducing a reworked Beginner Event. This event has been redesigned to provide a more engaging and rewarding experience for new players, and we're confident that you're going to love it.

Some important and memorable things about Beginner Event:
  • You will start from level 75
  • You will receive a series of full bonus items of level 70+
  • The package also includes consumable buff items

We believe that these changes will make the beginner event a much more enjoyable experience for new players, and we hope that you'll join us in welcoming them to the game. We're always looking for ways to improve and enhance the game experience for our players.

This is not all, you can find more information attached in the following link:
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  • 4 weeks later...

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We are excited to announce the merger of the Rise and Fame servers, which will bring together a larger community of players. This merger is a significant step in our commitment to providing you with the best possible gameplay and game evolution. The merger will bring together a more extensive player base, providing more opportunities for players to engage with each other and enjoy the game. We understand that this merger may raise some questions and concerns, but we assure you that we have taken all necessary measures to ensure a smooth and seamless transition.


Fusion details:


  • Your account will have the same login username and password.


  • If your :fame: Fame character name is already taken by a character from :rise: Rise, it will receive the termination _F. For example if your character name was Destiny now it will be Destiny_F.
  • You will automatically receive a Change Name Scroll item in your Inventory when you first login to change your name to an available one.
  • If your Fame character name is already taken by an inactive character from Rise you will be able to make a request to keep your name in the ⁠ ⁠🔠⤚buy-used-names on our Community Discord.


  • All shops were closed & the items were transfered to your Shop Safebox. We decided to do this because there still was a small diference in item prices and we don't want anybody to take advantage of the situation.

Our team is committed to providing you with the best possible gaming experience, and we are excited about the new opportunities this merger will bring. We will work tirelessly to maintain the server's stability, improve its functionality, and ensure that it is a welcoming and inclusive environment for all players.

Along with the merger, a series of events will be organized:

  • 26.04 -Enchant Event (12:00-24:00 GMT+2)
  • 27.04 -Double Drop Stones (19:00-20:00 GMT+2), Double Drop Bosses (21:00-22:00 GMT+2)
  • 28.04 -Double Drop Stones (21:00-22:00 GMT+2), Double Drop Bosses (19:00-20:00 GMT+2)
  • 29.04 -Okey Card 24 hours
  • 30.04 -Okey Card 24 hours and 2 rounds of OX Competition

We understand that some players may have concerns about the merger and the potential impact on their gameplay experience. However, as we already said we want to assure you that we are taking every precaution to ensure a smooth transition and minimal disruption to your gameplay. Our team will be working diligently to ensure that all player data is transferred seamlessly, and that all players are able to access the game without any issues. We believe that this merger and our future plans will bring even more excitement and enjoyment to the game. After the merge between Rise and Fame server, we have several future plans in place to enhance your gaming experience and grow our community. Here are some of our plans:

  • We will work to ensure that the server remains stable and provides an enjoyable gaming experience for all players.
  • Our team will be dedicated to consistently introducing new content such as quests, challenges to ensure that gameplay remains fresh and exciting.
  • One of our propose is to promote greater player interaction and community engagement by organizing a variety of events, contests, and activities.
  • We will streamline our administrative processes to ensure a smooth and efficient management of the server.

We would like to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and enthusiasm. Your continued support has been an essential part of our success, and we are deeply appreciative of it. We understand that without you, we could not have come this far, and we want to assure you that we will continue to work hard to provide you with the best possible experience.

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  • We're excited to announce that the May BattlePass is now live and available for purchase! This month's BattlePass comes packed with exclusive rewards, including the highly sought-after Necros Set.
  • But that's not all - the May BattlePass also includes other exciting rewards that can be collected. So, whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, there's something for everyone in this month's BattlePass.
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Maintenance 18.5.2023
Game version is now 3.5.4

  • Added Blacksmith Potion in Expert Chests, Alastor, Shadow and Spectre Chest. These options will increase the chance of your next upgrade with +5% or +10%.
  • Added new options for Dojang Event. Added the hero level & restricted level only option.
  • Added 3 new items for remove the cooldown of the dungeons (low, high, expert).
*The cooldown reset scrolls will have a usage cooldown of 4 hours. Scrolls reset time applies only to the character using them and does not remove cooldowns for other characters.
  • Added a new level type, it is now possible to add specific levels to items, level 75 pvp items are now restricted to level 75.
  • Added Guild Tournament winners custom outfits.
  • Added new Lv. 75 Armor, Weapons, Shoes, Helmet and Belt craftable at NPC Yang-Shin. You can find him near the Blacksmith in each town.
  • Added a set of fully bonused temporary weaponskins, costumes & hairstyle to Yang-Shin.

Fixes & Changes:
  • Raised the attack speed in PvP.
  • Improved upgrade item success chances, also we made something so your items can't fail more than 5-6 times in a row.
  • Now the dungeon cooldown will be controlled by each player's computer (HWID) and not per character.
*In dungeons, players are limited to using only two characters, and once the second character enters a dungeon, all other characters, will have a cooldown preventing them from entering the same dungeons.
  • All dungeons cooldowns will be reseted each maintenance, this means after each maintenance no cooldown will exist in the dungeons.
  • Increased the chance to drop Elemental Magic Ore.
  • Added the option to use low level Magic Silver/Gold/Diamond Ores to craft higher level ones at the blacksmith.
  • Added the missing translations in game.
  • Updated the looks of Elemental Mountain dungeon.
  • Air stone, mobs and air essence icons are now yellow to match the arcanis theme.
  • Added the missing translations in game.
  • Removed the chat announcement about Soul Lottery.
  • Fixed Gold Metal Magic, now you can upgrade your items until Level 109 with it.
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  • We're excited to announce that the June BattlePass is now live and available for purchase! This month's BattlePass comes packed with exclusive rewards, including the highly sought-after Youxia Set.
  • But that's not all - the June BattlePass also includes other exciting rewards that can be collected. So, whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, there's something for everyone in this month's BattlePass.
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  • 5 weeks later...
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Maintenance 30.06.2022
Game version is now 3.5.8

  • Added
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    . All new created characters will receive Beginner Chest.
  • Added
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    , everyone who did not connect in the last 10 days will reveive a Comeback Chest during the period the event is active.
  • Added Inferno dungeon.
    The Inferno Dungeon is a challenging dungeon with 6 floors. Each floor presents randomized missions, making each run unique. You'll need to complete the missions within a time limit. The dungeon offers two difficulty options: Easy and Hard, which affect the strength of mobs, bosses as well as the time given to complete each floor. Choosing a difficulty also grants you a random buff in Easy mode or a debuff in Hard mode. Rewards in the form of Inferno Stones are obtained at the end of each floor and can be used to purchase items from the Inferno Shop, available on the 6th floor. Prepare yourself for a challenging adventure in the Inferno Dungeon.
  • Added a new Horse System. *The Horse System is a feature in the game that allows you to strengthen your character through the leveling of the Horse Riding skill, granting access to passive PvM and PvP horse skills. By engaging in horse riding activities, you can unlock new abilities and enhance your character's overall capabilities. The skill can be leveled up, and with each level, you gain powerful bonuses and advantages in combat scenarios.*
  • Added Daily Missions at Chen. You can obtain upgrade items by doing simple missions.
  • Shadow Weapons, Elemental Armors and Elemental Belt can now be upgraded to +15 using the new Inferno Magic Stone.
  • Added Potion of Stones which will grant 100% chance of adding the next stone on your weapon or armor.
  • Added 2 new Biologist missions. Alastor Soul and Fire Energy from Inferno.
  • Added Hero Exploration Elixir and Hero Monocle for the new Biologist missions.
  • Added Advanced Blessing Scroll, Inferno Magic Stone and Inferno Magic Stone+.
  • Removed the fishing map. Now you can fish only in Oasis.
  • Salvation Stones can now spawn mobs.
  • Added 7 new Dragon Armor/Costumes effects at the Dojang NPCs.

Fixes & Changes
  • Moved the advanced potions from Baek-Go and Chen to the General Store.
  • Moved the belts from Chen to the Armor Vendor.
  • Moved the Ruby, Sapphire, Garnet, Emerald accesories from the Eden Garden NPC to the Armor Vendor.
  • Moved the Water/Fire Dragon Shoes and Hunter Helmet from Seon-Pyeong to the Armor Vendor.
  • The Shadow Tower and Alastor hwid restriction can't be scammed anymore, you will be able to take the reward only on one character.
  • Fixed the issues at the Shadow Tower Window timer.
  • Removed Armor, Weapon, Accesory Tickets from everywhere. The items that were bought with these items can now be bought with Equipment Tickets.
  • Fixed an issue with some potions that when were running out of time did not get deleted from the affect list in left side of the screen.
  • Fixed the issue where npcs and mobs would be stuck in the ground under different objects.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the items from Safebox aren't loaded properly.
  • Removed luxury and skill belts.
  • Removed some costumes, hairs, wings that appeared in wiki but were not obtainable anywhere.
  • Switched Rubius Chest with Solar Chest.
  • Added the Precious Buffi Accesories in the Golden Frog wiki guide.
  • Now items from summer Event, can be sold to NPCs for yang.
  • Fixed the summer worldboss map.
  • Fixed wrong Mobs & Items names in Atlantis Dungeon chat announcements.
  • Fixed the Achievement mission where you have to defeat Aquaris.
  • Now Pet Elifar have time displayed.
  • Veteran Chest Preview has been fixed.
  • Fixed sura hand for glory & shame costumes.
  • Fixed the specular on inferno hair.
  • Fixed the specular on sorcerer hair.
  • Fixed the icon of combat & commander fan and bell.
  • Fixed the color of the neck for the blue steel armor and lumos costume for warrior F.
  • Fixed the Egyptian Weaponskins which had no texture.
  • Fixed the Flame Dragon Crown on sura F which was blue instead of red.
  • Fixed the description of Callisto Hair.
  • Fixed the abdomen texture of Mythical Dragon Costume on sura M.
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  • Rodnia2 changed the title to Rodnia.to - Servidor FAME Speed 21.07.2023 | Mecánicas Simplificadas | Progresión Optimizada | Premios en Efectivo Real
  • 3 weeks later...

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Homecoming Event Information:

  • All characters will receive at login in their Inventories the Homecoming Chest!

Redeem Code Event Information:

  • You need to watch our streamers on their TikTok/Twitch lives to find out the Redeem Code which can be used on our Website to receive the following items:
    • Fame:
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    • Rise:
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    * The Redeem code can be used only once!

Summer Event - Extended version:

Summer Stone:

Added a special Summer Stone in all farming maps that will drop special items. It's respawn cooldown is 10 minutes and you can see it's location on the minimap. Ice Cream Cornet

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can be dropped at Summer Stone

Summer MiniBoss:

  • Added a special Summer miniboss in the following maps. Orc Valley, Desert, Sohan, Fire Land, Enchanted Forest. They will drop special weapon and armor reinforcements too bost your damage. Low level minibosses will not drop items for players with level higher than 100. Ice Cream Bowl [imgspecial]
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    [/imgspecial]can be dropped at Summer MiniBosses.

Hunt Event:

  • Added Summer Hunt Event. 10x Summer Hearts will appear Monday-Wednesday-Friday-Sunday at 20:00 on CH1 in Orc Valley. Find and click the Summer Hearts to win from 1x to 5x Rodnia Coins.


Okey Card Event:

  • Added Okey Card Event, By defeating monsters you will collect Okey Collectable Cards during this Event. Once you collected 150 Cards
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    , you automatically receive an Okey Card Set
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    . Right click the Set to open the minigame window.



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Maintenance 03.08.2023

Game version is now 3.6.4



  • Added Homecoming & Redeem Code Event.
  • Added Battlepass July set at Battlepass Skin Chest.
  • Added Events Calendar.
  • Added Level 75 Combat Zone. It will be active in the following days.


Fixes & Changes

  • Fixed the multiple buy option at Biologist Shop.
  • Fixed the issues at Hunting Quests on Rise. Also, we changed the missions with the ones from Fame and reset them for everyone!
  • Epic Emblem could not be searched in Search Shop, the issue was fixed now.
  • Increased the drop chance of Epic Emblem from World Boss Chest.
  • Fixed some missing translations from costumes, hairstyles, weaponskins, wings, pet & mount seals.
  • Fixed the daily chests which were giving some wrong rewards.
  • Updated wrong minimum damage for expert dungeons in wiki.
  • Fixed sesonal daily mission.

What we will do at the next maintenance!

  • We will fix some bugs like the Drop Filter reset bug.
  • Some upgrade items are not displayed in the Wiki.
  • A lot of memoryleaks fixed on Client side so your game won't crash anymore and will be more smooth.
  • Drop of some items will be improved.
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Dear Rodnians,

We are announcing that the Summer Event(Fame Edition) - Sizzling Summer Fun and the Homecoming Event have been extended. They will be available until 20.08.2023.

Check the latest details on our board:

  • Summer Event(Fame Edition) - Sizzling Summer Fun
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  • HomeComing Event:
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An event extension has been added to the HomeComing Event and is available, benefit now from the latest facilities. Rookie Chest and Master Chest can be obtained with the Rookie Chest Piece that are available at the stones. Chests can be opened with Rookie Key and Master Key!

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Suits Social Game Event - Unleash the Legends

We're excited to announce the launch of our spectacular Suits Social Game Event - Unleash the Legends inspired by the dynamic worlds of Youtube, TikTok, and Twitch! Get ready for an epic adventure that bridges the gap between your favorite virtual realms and the exciting digital platforms we all know and love.
  • 📅 Event Details:
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  • 🕐 Duration: 29.08.2023 to 11.09.2023
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Beginner Event - Challenge of the warriors

Are you ready to embark on a new journey or rediscover the thrill of the realm? The Beginner Event - Challenge of the warriors is here to help both our aspiring heroes and seasoned veterans kick-start their adventures with a bang!
  • 📅 Event Details:
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  • 🕐 Duration: 29.08.2023 to 05.09.2023

🎉 Exclusive Redeem Code alert 🎉
Get ready for an exclusive Redeem Code event that rewards you with fantastic in-game items, and all you need to do is catch our amazing streamers in action.
  • Tune in to our official streamers' broadcasts during the event period.
  • Keep an eye out for the redeem code, which will be shared by our streamers during their live sessions.
  • Redeem the code on our website on the server which you play Rise or Fame to receive a treasure that will aid you on your adventures.
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Patch 3.6.9
Maintenance 29.08.2023
Game version is now 3.6.9

  • Added Suits Social Game Event - Unleash the Legends.
  • Added Beginner Event.
  • Added a new title "Midas Touch".
  • Added the Custom Outfits until 24.08.
  • Added icons for Crafting categories.
  • Added an IP & System ID block chat for naughty players. This means all
    characters will have block chat.

Fixes & Changes
  • Elemental stones can now be upgraded only in Demon Tower dungeon.
  • Increased the size of the dots from the Average price window.
  • Reworked a little the average price algorithm.
  • Reworked the buttons above the Taskbar. When the mouse is over them they will move over the chat.
  • Reworked the Quest window, now all categories will be expanded when you open the window.
  • Removed Summer Event from Fame. The crafting NPC Selena is still available in Oasis map for a few more days.
  • Changed the Soul Lottery to give Voucher(100 RC) instead of Winner Ticket.
  • Fixed a bug where the normal items where stacked with Soulbound items bought from NPC shops.
  • Fixed the duration of some items from chests.
  • Fixed the misaligned Minimap.
  • Fixed the misaligned Date, time & channel server information.
  • Fixed the misaligned Battlepass button when you are teleported from a Dungeon that has his own Minimap design.
  • You can now see how much time left you have until you can change the empire again.
  • You can now add Strong vs Stones and Strong vs Bosses as the 6/7 bonuses on shoes.
  • You can now reset your character to level 50 even if you have Hero level.
  • Updated the 35-50 Wiki guide.
  • Updated the 50-75 Wiki guide.
  • Updated the 75-95 Wiki guide.

For previews check this:
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Battlepass September

Prepare for battle, gather your allies, and let the September BattlePass and the Sinister Set be your ticket to victory in this month's epic battles!

Find on Item-Shop:
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    Premium Battlepass (use it to activate September Battlepass)
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    Battlepass Voucher (use it to buy Sinister Skin Set)
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Back to School Event 📖
Dear Rodnians,

Get ready to hit the books and sharpen your pencils because we're bringing the Back to School Event !

📅 Event Details:
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🕐 Duration: 21.09.2023 to 04.10.2023

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Maintenance 21.09.2023 for Rise & Fame
Game version is now 3.7.0

  • Added Back to school Event.
  • Added a CAPTCHA system, this system is made as a new protection against cheaters.
  • Added Prayer Altar as a replacement for Daily Buff bonus. With this new system you need pray daily at the Altar NPC to receive a bonus for a limited time.
  • Depending on the level of the Altar, your bonus value will increase. You will receive a random bonus from a list of 8 bonuses (if you are a Premium player you can choose what bonus to receive).
  • Added Reworked Worldboss System, the new system encourages competition between players. The changes to the new system are as follows:
    • The damage limit has been completely removed.
    • A ranking has been added, this ranking is based on damage, it will encourage players to enter a competition, because 1st place as TOP DAMAGE will receive 5 Epic Chests, 2nd and 3rd place will receive 3 Epic Chests, 4th to 10th place will receive 2 Epic Chests. The rest of the players who deal the minimum damage will receive 1 Epic Chest, as it is now.
    • A new design of the World Boss Map.
    • World Boss window has been changed and improved.
    • You will be able to collect your reward and check your ranking right after the World Boss is defeated. In order to take the Reward you need to go to the World Boss window.
    • There is also a PvP World Boss category which will be activated after the server fusion.
  • Now you can use right click in the dungeons to use the key or seal type items instead of dragging them.

Fixes & Changes
  • Removed the Daily Buff bonus.
  • Now you can use emotions with your weapon equipped, because it will hide them when you are using the emotions.
  • Fixed a wrong task mission for the blessed wings.
  • Moved the Chaos Dungeon NPC a little so you won't teleport/spawn inside him to block other players.
  • Rearranged the NPCs in both map2.
  • Added Sanctuary Merchant in both map2.
  • Updated the description of the permanent Buffi Seal with where you can obtain it.
  • Updated the Alastor Dungeon to make the steps quicker to do.
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The October BattlePass offers both premium and free tiers, ensuring that everyone can join in on the excitement.

𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 - 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐈𝐭𝐞𝐦-𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐩:
  • Premium Battlepass (use it to activate October Battlepass)
  • Battlepass Voucher (use it to buy Arcane Skin Set)

Find more information here:
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Halloween Event - Darkened Realms Festival 🎃

Dear Rodnians,

Embrace the Spook, Unleash the Boo! Halloween on Rodnia is Hauntingly Fun!

📅 Event Details:
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🕐 Duration: 20.10.2023 to 12.11.2023

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Patch 3.7.3
Maintenance 20.10.2023
Game version is now 3.7.3

  • Added Halloween Event.
    The event will be active 19.10.2023 - 12.11.2023.
    Halloween brings two new activities: Blood Ritual and Spooky Lottery, compared to other events so far.
    More details:
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    or WIKI in-game.
  • Added NEW Event Calendar.

New features:
  • Filter Events, now you will be able to sort which event you want to see in the Event Calendar. It can be sorted individually or entire categories.
  • All events will automatically activate at the times specified in the calendar. We have also added some events in the morning, just as you suggested.
  • In the events calendar you will be able to see the events that are active, as well as the upcoming events for that day.
  • You can see by clicking on any of the days, which events will be active.
  • When an event will be activated, a notification will appear allowing you to "Participate", Wiki button to the event in wiki or "Open Window" to open the window.
  • The Letter Event, Symbol Event, Jigsaw and Blackjack mini-games have been moved to the new event calendar window.

Fixes & Changes
  • Whisper Window has been improved.
  • The resistances of Kaom, Avarius, Nerius and Event Worldboss have been increased.
  • We lowered all the resistance of the world's bosses before adding this new system, to get you comfortable with this new system. But we want to leave a challenge and still a competition.
  • Change the ammout of Infeno Stone required to buy Fire Energy from 5 to 20.
  • Change the ammout of Infeno Stone required to buy Inferno Magic Stone from 25 to 35.
  • Change the ammout of Infeno Stone required to buy Hero Monocle from 5 to 10.
  • Change the ammout of Infeno Stone required to buy Hero Exploration Elixir from 5 to 10.
  • Change the ammout of Infeno Stone required to buy Inferno Talon from 2 to 3.
  • Change the ammout of Infeno Stone required to buy Inferno Horn from 6 to 8.
  • Change the ammout of Infeno Stone required to buy Inferno Stone Heart from 10 to 15.
  • All these changes in Inferno Store were made because, being endgame items, they were obtained in too large quantities and too easily.
  • Updated the Expert Jotun cooldown information on the Dungeon Timer window (F6).
  • Updated the Expert Hydra cooldown information on the Dungeon Timer window (F6).
  • Updated the Expert Malivore cooldown information on the Dungeon Timer window (F6).
  • Changed the required item to upgrade Earth Stone +4 from Purple Expert Emblem to Green Expert Emblem.
  • Changed the required item to upgrade Water Stone +4 from Green Expert Emblem to Blue Expert Emblem.
  • Changed the required item to upgrade Fire Stone +4 from Yellow Expert Emblem to Red Expert Emblem.
  • Changed amount of Expert Emblems required to upgrade wings from +16 to +20.
  • Changed amount of Expert Emblems required to Shadow Weapons, Elemental Armors, Elemental Belt.
  • Slightly increase upgrade succes rate for Shadow Weapons, Elemental Armors, Elemental Belt from +10 to +15.
    The changes to the Expert Emblems will help the market to become consistent, as currently all emblems are required equally. Cosmic Expert Dungeon had3 times* the cooldown of the Razador Expert Dungeon. This was detrimental to the emblems of the Razador, Chaos, Jotun, Malivore Expert dungeons.*
    Fixed animation from Ancient Market.
  • The information in the Golden Frog window has been updated.
  • The information in the Tanaka Pirate window has been updated.
  • Deleted all the Magic Prism items from inventories.
  • Deleted all the old title items from inventories because we now have the new title system.
  • Removed some non existent pets and mounts from the wiki.
  • Removed all Green and Purple potions from inventories because they were not obtainable anymore.
  • Updated the defence bonuses of Elemental Shield +0 to be the same as Hydra Shield +9.
  • Raised the damage of Shadow Bow +10 -> +15.
  • Prayer Altar is the Oasis map starting now.
  • Moved the Eden Garden Guard NPC so you won't spawn on top of him anymore.
  • Made the golden bag Tanaka mob bigger.
  • Now it will be possible to pray every 24 hours instead of every 2 hours;
  • Fixed a problem with the shaman's blessing buff where it wasn't possible to see the amount of the effect in affect shower.
  • Fixed a glitch in shaman healing where the skills page was always on the horse's page, or when you entered a point or the page refreshed, it went back to the horse's page.
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