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DryUz Ganó el último 13 Enero 2022

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DryUz's Achievements

  1. Alguien que sea tan amable de hacer Una quest que al iniciar Todos los pj los lleve a un mapa x Solo al iniciar despues de crear el pj, No cada ves que entre al juego, O hay alguna otra forma modificando el cliente graciasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
  2. Esta quest les regalara 1 poder "P" a cada pj tenes que poner que poder le gustaría que de pdta esta quest es mía modificada por mi . créditos by:chiky quest recompensa begin state start begin when login with pc.level >= 50 begin set_state(information) end end state information begin when letter begin send_letter("Una_Habilidad_Perfect_Master") end when info or button begin say_title ( "Habilidades a Perfect Master:" ) say ( "Hola, yo soy el maestro de la habilidad" ) say ( "Si usted ha alcanzado el nivel 50 que puedo tomar" ) say ( "su habilidad para Perfect Master" ) say ( "quiere seguir mis enseñanzas." ) say ( "" ) say ( "" ) say_reward ( "Recuerde que usted debe ser el nivel 50" ) local opzioni = select ( "Ok" ) if opzioni == 1 then say_title("¿Que raza eres?") local skillp = select ("Guerrero","Ninja","Sura","Chaman...") if skillp == 1 then pc.set_skill_level (5,59) pc.set_skill_level (16,59) elseif skillp == 2 then pc.set_skill_level (35,59) pc.set_skill_level (46,59) elseif skillp == 3 then pc.set_skill_level (66,59) pc.set_skill_level (76,59) elseif skillp == 4 then pc.set_skill_level (96,59) pc.set_skill_level (106,59) elseif skillp == 5 then return end say ( "Realizado!" ) end set_state(COMPLETE) end end state COMPLETE begin end end Para modificar el lv de la recompensa solo deben cambiar este numero >50 when login with pc.level >= 50 begin set_state(information)
  3. El error es que al invocar la mascota debería cambiar el lv del caballo lv22 23 etc... y cambia al invocar y vuelve a lv 21 y no puedo montarme en la mascota! quest official_pets begin state start begin when 53001.use with pc.getqf("icephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("reindeer") == 0 and pc.getqf("pwahuang") == 0 and pc.getqf("dog") == 0 and pc.getqf("lion") == 0 and pc.getqf("pig") == 0 and pc.getqf("tiger") == 0 begin if pc.getqf("firephoenix_use") == 0 then local old_horse_name = horse.get_name() ; if string.len(old_horse_name) == 0 then chat("Su mascota no tiene nombre!") end chat("Su mascota se ha llamado!") local your_horse_level = horse.get_level() pc.setqf("horse_level_save", your_horse_level) pc.setqf("firephoenix_use", 1) pc.setqf("firephoenix", 1) affect.add_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.ATT_MAX_HP, 2000, 60*60*8) horse.set_level("22") horse.unsummon() horse.summon() local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) else chat("Su mascota se esta guardadando!") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_MAX_HP, 2000, 60*60*8) horse.unsummon() pc.setqf("firephoenix_use", 0) pc.setqf("firephoenix", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) end end when logout or login with pc.getqf("firephoenix_use") == 1 begin pc.setqf("firephoenix_use", 0) pc.setqf("firephoenix", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) chat("Su mascota ha sido guardada") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 2000, 60*60*8) end when 53003.use with pc.getqf("firephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("reindeer") == 0 and pc.getqf("pwahuang") == 0 and pc.getqf("dog") == 0 and pc.getqf("lion") == 0 and pc.getqf("pig") == 0 and pc.getqf("tiger") == 0 begin if pc.getqf("icephoenix_use") == 0 then local old_horse_name = horse.get_name() ; if string.len(old_horse_name) == 0 then chat("Su mascota no tiene nombre!") end chat("Su mascota se ha llamado!") local your_horse_level = horse.get_level() pc.setqf("horse_level_save", your_horse_level) pc.setqf("icephoenix_use", 1) pc.setqf("icephoenix", 1) affect.add_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 2000, 60*60*8) horse.set_level("23") horse.unsummon() horse.summon() local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) else chat("Su mascota se esta guardando!") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 2000, 60*60*8) horse.unsummon() pc.setqf("icephoenix_use", 0) pc.setqf("icephoenix", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) end end when logout or login with pc.getqf("icephoenix_use") == 1 begin pc.setqf("icephoenix_use", 0) pc.setqf("icephoenix", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) chat("Su mascota ha sido guardada") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 2000, 60*60*8) end when 53002.use with pc.getqf("firephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("icephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("pwahuang") == 0 and pc.getqf("dog") == 0 and pc.getqf("lion") == 0 and pc.getqf("pig") == 0 and pc.getqf("tiger") == 0 begin if pc.getqf("reindeer") == 0 then local old_horse_name = horse.get_name() ; if string.len(old_horse_name) == 0 then chat("Su mascota no tiene nombre!") end chat("Dein Haustier wurde gerufen!") local your_horse_level = horse.get_level() pc.setqf("horse_level_save", your_horse_level) pc.setqf("reindeer_use", 1) pc.setqf("reindeer", 1) affect.add_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 100, 60*60*8) horse.set_level("24") horse.unsummon() horse.summon() local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) else chat("Su mascota se esta guardando!") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 100, 60*60*8) horse.unsummon() pc.setqf("reindeer_use", 0) pc.setqf("reindeer", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) end end when logout or login with pc.getqf("reindeer_use") == 1 begin pc.setqf("reindeer_use", 0) pc.setqf("reindeer", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) chat("Su mascota ha sido guardada!") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 100, 60*60*8) end when 53005.use with pc.getqf("firephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("icephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("reindeer") == 0 and pc.getqf("dog") == 0 and pc.getqf("lion") == 0 and pc.getqf("pig") == 0 and pc.getqf("tiger") == 0 begin if pc.getqf("pwahuang") == 0 then local old_horse_name = horse.get_name() ; if string.len(old_horse_name) == 0 then chat("Su mascota no tiene nombre!") end chat("Su mascota ha sido llamada!") local your_horse_level = horse.get_level() pc.setqf("horse_level_save", your_horse_level) pc.setqf("pwahuang_use", 1) pc.setqf("pwahuang", 1) affect.add_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 300, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 300, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 7000, 60*60*8) horse.set_level("25") horse.unsummon() horse.summon() local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) else chat("Su mascota se esta guardando!") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 300, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 300, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 7000, 60*60*8) horse.unsummon() pc.setqf("pwahuang_use", 0) pc.setqf("pwahuang", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) end end when logout or login with pc.getqf("pwahuang_use") == 1 begin pc.setqf("pwahuang_use", 0) pc.setqf("pwahuang", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) chat("Su mascota ha sido guardada!") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 300, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 300, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 7000, 60*60*8) end when 53006.use with pc.getqf("lion") == 0 and pc.getqf("pig") == 0 and pc.getqf("tiger") == 0 and pc.getqf("firephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("icephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("reindeer") == 0 and pc.getqf("pwahuang") == 0 begin if pc.getqf("dog_use") == 0 then local old_horse_name = horse.get_name() ; if string.len(old_horse_name) == 0 then chat("Su mascota no tiene nombre!") end chat("Su mascota ha sido llamada!") local your_horse_level = horse.get_level() pc.setqf("horse_level_save", your_horse_level) pc.setqf("dog_use", 1) pc.setqf("dog", 1) affect.add_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 3000, 60*60*8) horse.set_level("26") horse.unsummon() horse.summon() local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) else chat("Su mascota se esta guardando!") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 3000, 60*60*8) horse.unsummon() pc.setqf("dog_use", 0) pc.setqf("dog", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) end end when logout or login with pc.getqf("dog_use") == 1 begin pc.setqf("dog_use", 0) pc.setqf("dog", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) chat("Su mascota ha sido guardada!") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 3000, 60*60*8) end when 53007.use with pc.getqf("dog") == 0 and pc.getqf("pig") == 0 and pc.getqf("tiger") == 0 and pc.getqf("firephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("icephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("reindeer") == 0 and pc.getqf("pwahuang") == 0 begin if pc.getqf("lion_use") == 0 then local old_horse_name = horse.get_name() ; if string.len(old_horse_name) == 0 then chat("Su mascota no tiene nombre!") end chat("Su mascota ha sido guardada!") local your_horse_level = horse.get_level() pc.setqf("horse_level_save", your_horse_level) pc.setqf("lion_use", 1) pc.setqf("lion", 1) affect.add_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 200, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 200, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 5000, 60*60*8) horse.set_level("27") horse.unsummon() horse.summon() local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) else chat("Su mascota se esta guardando!") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 200, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 200, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 5000, 60*60*8) horse.unsummon() pc.setqf("lion_use", 0) pc.setqf("lion", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) end end when logout or login with pc.getqf("lion_use") == 1 begin pc.setqf("lion_use", 0) pc.setqf("lion", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) chat("Su mascota ha sido guardada!") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 200, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 200, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 5000, 60*60*8) end when 53008.use with pc.getqf("dog") == 0 and pc.getqf("lion") == 0 and pc.getqf("tiger") == 0 and pc.getqf("firephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("icephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("reindeer") == 0 and pc.getqf("pwahuang") == 0 begin if pc.getqf("pig") == 0 then local old_horse_name = horse.get_name() ; if string.len(old_horse_name) == 0 then chat("Su mascota no tiene nombre!") end chat("Su mascota ha sido llamada!") local your_horse_level = horse.get_level() pc.setqf("horse_level_save", your_horse_level) pc.setqf("pig_use", 1) pc.setqf("pig", 1) affect.add_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 2000, 60*60*8) horse.set_level("28") horse.unsummon() horse.summon() local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) else chat("Su mascota se esta guardando!") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 2000, 60*60*8) horse.unsummon() pc.setqf("pig_use", 0) pc.setqf("pig", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) end end when logout or login with pc.getqf("pig_use") == 1 begin pc.setqf("pig_use", 0) pc.setqf("pig", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) chat("Su mascota ha sido guardada!") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 2000, 60*60*8) end when 53009.use with pc.getqf("dog") == 0 and pc.getqf("lion") == 0 and pc.getqf("pig") == 0 and pc.getqf("firephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("icephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("reindeer") == 0 and pc.getqf("pwahuang") == 0 begin if pc.getqf("tiger") == 0 then local old_horse_name = horse.get_name() ; if string.len(old_horse_name) == 0 then chat("Su mascota no tiene nombre!") end chat("Su mascota ha sido llamada!") local your_horse_level = horse.get_level() pc.setqf("horse_level_save", your_horse_level) pc.setqf("tiger_use", 1) pc.setqf("tiger", 1) affect.add_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 150, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 150, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 4000, 60*60*8) horse.set_level("29") horse.unsummon() horse.summon() local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) else chat("Su mascota se esta guardando!") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 150, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 150, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 4000, 60*60*8) horse.unsummon() pc.setqf("tiger_use", 0) pc.setqf("tiger", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) end end when logout or login with pc.getqf("tiger_use") == 1 begin pc.setqf("tiger_use", 0) pc.setqf("tiger", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) chat("Su mascota ha sido guardada!") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 150, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 150, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 4000, 60*60*8) end end end
  4. Alguien seria tan amable de postear esta quest
  5. toma esta que tenia yop pero falta traducirla
  6. pues postea la nueva!! no crees?
  7. Aca se las dejo Descarga: http://www27.zippyshare.com/v/86256911/file.html
  8. Max_Lv:16777215 This difference file has been created by IDA Pro game 0009554A: FA FF 0009554B: 00 FF 0009554C: 00 FF Max_Level 65535: This difference file has been created by IDA Pro game 0009554A: FA FF 0009554B: 00 FF Max_level dif fixx bis lvl 6553 creditos:epvp
  9. Esta web la encontré x epvp dandome una vueltita y se las dejo aca Demo online: http://www.akaya2.de/ Descarga: http://www.mediafire.com/?wv72dtvalb65frq
  10. Bueno les traigo el portmap automatico para el que no sabe que es "automatico" - es que los puertos se prenden solos http://www.mediafire...16ifcvmi288mqe2 Creditos :epvp
  11. ps solo edita el cliente que le pasaras a los gms y deja el tullo como adm para que puedas comerciar!
  12. ah?? no te entiendo si vas a ser corrector y ps correguimela para que funcione! es lo normal o no?
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