SauRRoN Posted April 18, 2018 Report Share Posted April 18, 2018 ENGLISH PREZENTATION !: Server Status: MC / IP: N/A ! Website:Debes iniciar sesión para ver el contenido del enlace en esta publicación. CH1: WORLD: MysQL: Dwonload:Debes iniciar sesión para ver el contenido del enlace en esta publicación. Forum:Debes iniciar sesión para ver el contenido del enlace en esta publicación. Ranking:Debes iniciar sesión para ver el contenido del enlace en esta publicación. Rates:1000% The experience: Yang: 1000% Objects: 1000% Fierar: 100% ** DESCRIPTION **: Deltroid Bro Presentation: SoLoz0r Presentation: MaciucaRo Presentation: Sheriff Seba Presentation: Server systems: Prison System System Change Equipment Swichbot F6 duel system Valley of the Orcs -> Oral teeth at Orci.! Ice Country -> La Golemi de Ice owls the ice globes. Turning with demons does not enter the tower -> at Soldier Brotac the little frog -> Frog languages. For floral slippers, marble -> map level 130 from tiffiny to blue dragon -> there are pica and 75 weapons can evolve and pica pgm, pc on them can evolve with pgm, pc. DGA-2 Evolutions. ARMURA 48-2evolutii Alba -10 languages Blue - 10 Globes Red-20 Oral Teeth. * Flower Slippers -> 3 Flower Slippers Help You Make a Marble at Uriel * Evolution Accessories:Evolution Weapon:Evolution Battle:Evolution Exorcism: Next: Armor Evolutions: Sistem Inchisoare/Jail: IT IS A SERVER PVM 40%, PVP 60%! HE WILL GIVE YOU LEVEL 1 ...! VERY CRETE REPRESENTS THE RATES ARE 1000%, AND CHANGED AND FROM THE MOBILE! WE ARE NEW ITEMS AND DIFFERENT EVOLVES! IN STAFF I AM GM FRIENDS AND INTELLIGENT, WHO HAVE EVENTS EVEN! THIS ACTION AS MATS AND GIVING A MORE THANKS! BONUSES 6/7 WITHOUT RARE OR RARE !!! There is no server running and will not exist !!! WE HAVE THE TEXT CHANGE CHANGE TO ALL! Folders to grow :. - Folders: * Metin2 Standard Sheets * Tigrammi map of level 90-120 * Taramu Zombilor map of level 120-150 * Taramu Primaveri map of level 150-200 * Goddess Temple map of level 200-250 bonuses:. - They are well calculated because we do not have 6/7, but it's not how you think a duel lasts a long way! Folders: * Metin2 Standard Sheets * Tigrammi map of level 90-120 * Taramu Zombilor map of level 120-150 * Taramu Primaveri map of level 150-200 * Goddess Temple map of level 200-250 bonuses:. - They are well calculated because we do not have 6/7, but it's not how you think a duel lasts a long way! - Bonus 1/5 PV: 2000-4000 PM: 1000-2000 Semi-Om: 10-20 INT: 10-30 STR: 10 - 30 DEX: 10 - 30 CON: 10-30 Etc ... - Bonus 6/7 PV: 2000 INT: 30 STR: 30 DEX: 30 CON: 30 Monstri: 20 Penetrating: 20 Criticism: 20 Events :. - On Metin2Evil the events supported by a staff member are daily. They are not sustained at an hour they are spontaneous and fun! * Event OX with participation prize! * Event OX with prize only for the last participants! * Search event with one or more staff members! * PVP events that are rarely supported but interesting! * Active Christmas Event on 6/05/2018 with a special map! * PVM is often done with mobi for everyone! * Evil-Man is a new event to be implemented soon! * Plus other surprises that will be done in time! Evolutions and Their Necessity in Duel :. - It's hard to be good without the latest developments ... That's why we recommend working! It takes patience and helps friends For evolution you need some materials that are easy but lasting Items do not fail to evolve, so you do not have to fear that you have worked a lot and you have to take it from end to end. Metin2Evil is not responsible for lost accounts and stolen items! Team: [Own] Herry [SGA] Toxic[/center] PREZENTARE IN ROMANA !: Server Status: MC / IP: N/A ! Site:Debes iniciar sesión para ver el contenido del enlace en esta publicación. CH1: WORLD: MysQL: Descarcare:Debes iniciar sesión para ver el contenido del enlace en esta publicación. Forum:Debes iniciar sesión para ver el contenido del enlace en esta publicación. Clasament:Debes iniciar sesión para ver el contenido del enlace en esta publicación. Rate:1000% Experienta: Yang:1000% Obiecte:1000% Fierar:100% ** DESCRIERE ** : VIDEO: Prezentare Deltroid Bro: [ytplayer][/ytplayer] Prezentare SoLoz0r: [ytplayer][/ytplayer] Prezentare MaciucaRo: [ytplayer][/ytplayer] Prezentare Sheriff Seba: [ytplayer][/ytplayer] Sisteme pe server: Sistem Inchisoare Sistem schimba echipament Swichbot Sistem duel F6 Valea Orcilor --> Pica dinti de orc la Orci .! Tara de gheata --> La Golemi de Gheata pica globurile de gheata . Turnu cu demoni nu intri in turn --> la Soldat Brotac broasca ce-a mica pica --> Limbile de broasca . Pentru papuci de flori , marmura --> mapa level 130 de la tiffiny la dragon albastru --> acolo pica si armele de 75 se pot evolua si pica pgm,pc pe ele se pot evolua cu pgm,pc. DGA-2 Evolutii. ARMURA 48-2evolutii Alba -10 limbi Albastra - 10 Globuri Rosii-20 de dinti de orc. !*Papuci de flori -->3 papuci de flori te ajuta in a face o marmura la Uriel* Evolutii Accesorii: Evolutii Arme: Evolutii batalie: Evolutie Exorcism: Next: Evolutii Armuri: Sistem Inchisoare: ESTE UN SERVER PVM 40% , PVP 60 % ! LA INCEPUT VA DA LEVEL 1 ... ! CRESTETI FOARTE REPEDE DEOARECE RATELE SUNT 1000% , SI SCHIMBATE SI DIN MOBI ! SUNT ITEME NOI , SI CU EVOLUTII DIFERITE ! IN STAFF SUNT GM PRIETENOSI SI INTELEGATORI,CARE FAC EVENT-URI DES ! ACESTIA FIIND MATURI SI AVAND SI O GANDIRE MAI MATURA ! EXISTA BONUSURI 6/7 FARA RASE SAU TARE RASE !!! NU EXISTA MODATE PE SERVER SI NU VOR EXISTA !!! AVEM TEXTURA CARACTERE SCHIMBATA LA TOATE! Mape de crescut:. - Mape de crescut: *Mape standard Metin2 *Tigrammi mapa de level 90-120 *Taramu Zombilor mapa de level 120-150 *Taramu Primaveri mapa de level 150-200 *Mormantul Zeitei mapa de level 200-250 Bonusurii:. - Sunt bine calculate deoarece nu avem 6/7, dar nu e cum credeti ca un duel dureaza mult din contra! - Bonusurii 1/5 PV: 2000 - 4000 PM: 1000 - 2000 Semi-Om: 10 - 20 INT: 10 - 30 STR: 10 - 30 DEX: 10 - 30 CON: 10 - 30 Etc... - Bonusurii 6/7 PV: 2000 INT: 30 STR: 30 DEX: 30 CON: 30 Monstri: 20 Patrunzatoare:20 Critica: 20 Evenimente:. - Pe Metin2Evil evenimentele sustinute de un membru staff sunt zilnice. Nu sunt sustinute la o ora anume sunt spontane si distractive! *Event OX cu premi de participare! *Event OX cu premi doar pentru ultimi participantii! *Eveniment de cautare cu unu sau mai multi membri staff! *Evenimente PVP care sunt sustinuta rar dar cu premi interesante! *Event de Craciun activ pe 6/05/2018 cu o mapa speciala ! *PVM este facut destul de des cu mobi pentru toata lumea! *Evil-Man este un event nou care va fi implementat curand! * Plus alte surprize care vor fi facute in timp! Evolutile si Necestiatea lor in duel:. - E greu sa fi bun fara ultimile evoluti... Deaceia iti recomandam sa muncesti! Este nevoie de rabdare si ajutoru prietenilor Pentru evoluti ai nevoie de anumite materiale care se fac foarte usor dar dureaza Itemele nu esueaza in evoluti deci nu aveti dece sa va temeti ca ati muncit mult si trebuie sa o luati de la capat!. Metin2Evil nu raspunde de conturile pierdute si itemele furate! Echipa: [OwN]Herry [SGA]Toxic Link to comment
Shogun Posted April 13, 2019 Report Share Posted April 13, 2019 No link provided, locking. Link to comment
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