GeniusWhite Posted February 17, 2015 Report Share Posted February 17, 2015 Olá, implementei o baú de guild (guildstorage), ele vem a pasta para implementar no cliente e também na files, fiz tudo corretamente mas creio que seja erro de quest... o meu erro que tenho é esse da imagem: Ele mostra essa janela como se fosse pedir SENHA, porém mesmo eu nao digitando nada, ou mesmo eu digitando , ele vai acumulando essas janelas até ficar com um infinitas janelas, ou seja, tem alguma coisa bugada na parte do servesize... o que pode ser? deixo abaixo a quest que utilizo... e também deixo o download desse sistema para quem quiser tentar... agradeço muito se alguem puder ajudar... Vale lembrar: meu game é 34k , o game recomendado para implementar nesse sistema. Quest: quest guildstorage begin state start begin function getinput(par) cmdchat("getinputbegin") local ret = input(cmdchat(par)) cmdchat("getinputend") return ret end function item_can_store(itemvnum) local antiflags = guildstorage.item_get_real_antiflags(guildstorage.item_antiflag(itemvnum)) for i = 1 , table.getn(antiflags) do if antiflags[i] == 128 or antiflags[i] == 131072 or antiflags[i] == 8192 or antiflags[i] == 64 then return false end end return true end function item_get_real_antiflags(antiflag_) antiflags = {131072,65536,32768,16384,8192,4096,2048,1024,512,256,128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1} tab2 = {} table.foreach(antiflags,function(_,v) if antiflag_ >= v then table.insert(tab2,v) antiflag_ = antiflag_ - v end end) return tab2 end function item_antiflag(item_vnum) local result = mysql_query("SELECT antiflag from player.item_proto where vnum = "..item_vnum..";") return (result[1][1])--pack end ---------------------- --LOGS START ---------------------- function load_logs() local logs = {} local gs_logs ="/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/logs.txt", "r") for line in gs_logs:lines() do table.insert(logs,guildstorage.split_(line,"#")) end return logs end function clear_logs() local gs_log ="/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/logs.txt", "w+") gs_log:flush() gs_log:close() end function add_log(name_,type_,do_,desc_) local gs_log ="/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/logs.txt", "a+") local date_ = date_ = string.gsub(date_," ", "+-+") desc_ = string.gsub(desc_," ", "+-+") gs_log:write(name_..'#'..date_..'#'..type_..'#'..do_..'#'..desc_..'\\n') gs_log:flush() gs_log:close() end ---------------------- --LOGS END ---------------------- ---------------------- --MEMBER & AUTHORITY START ---------------------- -- Auth 0 = einlagern -- Auth 1 = rausnehmen -- Auth 2 = einzahlen -- Auth 3 = auszahlen function get_members() local members = {} local gs_member ="/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/authority.txt", "r") for line in gs_member:lines() do table.insert(members,guildstorage.split_(line,"#")) end return members end function get_authority(authID) if pc.is_guild_master() then return true end local members = guildstorage.get_members() for i = 1, table.getn(members) do if members[i][1] == pc.get_name() then if tonumber(members[i][authID+2]) == 0 then return false else return true end end end return false end function set_authority(member,authID,auth) local members = guildstorage.get_members() for i = 1, table.getn(members) do if members[i][1] == member then members[i][authID+2] = auth break end end local gs_member ="/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/authority.txt", "w+") for i = 1, table.getn(members) do gs_member:write(members[i][1]..'#'..members[i][2]..'#'..members[i][3]..'#'..members[i][4]..'#'..members[i][5]..'\\n') end gs_member:flush() gs_member:close() end function add_member(member) local members = guildstorage.get_members() for i = 1, table.getn(members) do if members[i][1] == member then syschat'Member ist schon eingetragen.' return end end local gs_member ="/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/authority.txt", "a+") gs_member:write(member..'#0#0#0#0\\n') gs_member:flush() gs_member:close() end function delete_member(member) local members = guildstorage.get_members() for i = 1, table.getn(members) do if members[i][1] == member then table.remove(members,i) break end end local gs_member ="/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/authority.txt", "w+") for i = 1, table.getn(members) do gs_member:write(members[i][1]..'#'..members[i][2]..'#'..members[i][3]..'#'..members[i][4]..'#'..members[i][5]..'\\n') end gs_member:flush() gs_member:close() end ---------------------- --MEMBER & AUTHORITY END ---------------------- ---------------------- --MONEY START ---------------------- function get_money() local gs_money ="/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/money.txt", "r") for line in gs_money:lines() do return tonumber(line) end end function change_money(money) local old_money = guildstorage.get_money() local gs_money ="/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/money.txt", "w+") gs_money:write(old_money+money) gs_money:flush() gs_money:close() end ---------------------- --MONEY END ---------------------- ---------------------- --STORAGE START ---------------------- function has_guildstorage() local guildstorage ="/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/storage.txt", "r") if guildstorage == nil then return false else return true end end function give_item(itemTab) pc.give_item2_select(itemTab[1],itemTab[2]) local attr,socket = {},{} for i = 10,23 do table.insert(attr,{itemTab[i],itemTab[i+1]}) i = i+1 end for i = 4,6 do table.insert(socket,itemTab[i]) end for i = 1, table.getn(attr) do item2.set_attr(i-1, attr[i][1], attr[i][2]) end for i = 1, table.getn(socket) do if tonumber(socket[i]) > 0 then item.set_socket(i-1, socket[i]) end end end function get_slot_item(slot) local items = guildstorage.get_items() for i = 1, table.getn(items) do local item = guildstorage.split_(items[i],"#") if tonumber(item[3]) == slot then return item end end return 0 end function refresh() cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE REFRESH_MONEY/'..guildstorage.get_money()) local items = guildstorage.get_items() if items != 0 then for i = 1, table.getn(items) do local item = guildstorage.split_(items[i],"#") -- chat(table.getn(item)) cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE_ADDITEM '..item[3]..' '..item[1]..' '..item[2]..' '..item[4]..' '..item[5]..' '..item[6]..' '..item[7]..' '..item[8]..' '..item[9]..' '..item[10]..' '..item[11]..' '..item[12]..' '..item[13]..' '..item[14]..' '..item[15]..' '..item[16]..' '..item[17]..' '..item[18]..' '..item[19]..' '..item[20]..' '..item[21]..' '..item[22]..' '..item[23]) end end cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE REFRESH') end function refresh_tempslots() cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE REFRESH_MONEY/'..guildstorage.get_money()) cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE CLEAR_TEMPSLOTS') local items = guildstorage.get_items() if items != 0 then for i = 1, table.getn(items) do local item = guildstorage.split_(items[i],"#") cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE_ADDTEMPSLOT '..item[3]..' '..item[1]..' '..item[2]..' '..item[4]..' '..item[5]..' '..item[6]..' '..item[7]..' '..item[8]..' '..item[9]..' '..item[10]..' '..item[11]..' '..item[12]..' '..item[13]..' '..item[14]..' '..item[15]..' '..item[16]..' '..item[17]..' '..item[18]..' '..item[19]..' '..item[20]..' '..item[21]..' '..item[22]..' '..item[23]) end end cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE COMPARE_TEMPSLOTS') end function slot_empty(slot) local itemList = guildstorage.get_items() for i = 1 , table.getn(itemList) do local item = guildstorage.split_(itemList[i],"#") if tonumber(item[3]) == slot then return false end end return true end function create_guildstorage() os.execute("mkdir ".."/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild()) local guildstorage ="/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/storage.txt", "w+") local guildstorage ="/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/money.txt", "w+") guildstorage:write("0") guildstorage:close() local guildstorage ="/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/authority.txt", "w+") local guildstorage ="/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/logs.txt", "w+") guildstorage:close() end function insert_item(cell,slot,tab) item.select_cell(cell) local attr = {{item2.get_attr(0)}, {item2.get_attr(1)}, {item2.get_attr(2)}, {item2.get_attr(3)},{item2.get_attr(4)},{item2.get_attr(5)}, {item2.get_attr(6)}} local socket, itemVnum, itemCount = {item.get_socket(0), item.get_socket(1), item.get_socket(2),item.get_socket(3),item.get_socket(4),item.get_socket(5)}, item.get_vnum(), item.get_count() if not guildstorage.item_can_store(itemVnum) then syschat'Dieses Item kann nicht gelagert werden.' return end guildstorage.add_log(pc.get_name(),'Item','einlagern',item_name(itemVnum)..' ('..itemCount..')') local guildstorage ="/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/storage.txt", "a+") if not pc.can_warp() then return end if item.vnum == 0 then return end --if item.rem(item.get_count()) then item.remove() guildstorage:write(itemVnum.."#"..itemCount.."#"..(slot+120*tab).."#"..socket[1].."#"..socket[2].."#"..socket[3].."#"..socket[4].."#"..socket[5].."#"..socket[6].."#"..attr[1][1].."#"..attr[1][2].."#"..attr[2][1].."#"..attr[2][2].."#"..attr[3][1].."#"..attr[3][2].."#"..attr[4][1].."#"..attr[4][2].."#"..attr[5][1].."#"..attr[5][2].."#"..attr[6][1].."#"..attr[6][2].."#"..attr[7][1].."#"..attr[7][2].."\\n") guildstorage:flush() guildstorage:close() cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE_ADDITEMSLOT '..slot..' '' '..itemVnum..' '..itemCount..' '..socket[1]..' '..socket[2]..' '..socket[3]..' '..socket[4]..' '..socket[5]..' '..socket[6]..' '..attr[1][1]..' '..attr[1][2]..' '..attr[2][1]..' '..attr[2][2]..' '..attr[3][1]..' '..attr[3][2]..' '..attr[4][1]..' '..attr[4][2]..' '..attr[5][1]..' '..attr[5][2]..' '..attr[6][1]..' '..attr[6][2]..' '..attr[7][1]..' '..attr[7][2]) --else --syschat("Du hast das Item nicht mehr") --end end function remove_item(slot) local gsPath = "/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/storage.txt" local items = {} local itemList = guildstorage.get_items() for i = 1 , table.getn(itemList) do table.insert(items,guildstorage.split_(itemList[i],"#")) end for i = 1, table.getn(items) do if items[i][3] == tostring(slot) then guildstorage.add_log(pc.get_name(),'Item','rausnehmen',item_name(items[i][1])..' ('..items[i][2]..')') table.remove(items,i) break end end local gs =, "w+") for i = 1, table.getn(items) do gs:write(items[i][1]..'#'..items[i][2]..'#'..items[i][3]..'#'..items[i][4]..'#'..items[i][5]..'#'..items[i][6]..'#'..items[i][7]..'#'..items[i][8]..'#'..items[i][9]..'#'..items[i][10]..'#'..items[i][11]..'#'..items[i][12]..'#'..items[i][13]..'#'..items[i][14]..'#'..items[i][15]..'#'..items[i][16]..'#'..items[i][17]..'#'..items[i][18]..'#'..items[i][19]..'#'..items[i][20]..'#'..items[i][21]..'#'..items[i][22]..'#'..items[i][23]..'\\n') end gs:flush() gs:close() end function get_items() local guildstorageTab = {} local guildstorage ="/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/storage.txt", "r") for item in guildstorage:lines() do table.insert(guildstorageTab,item) end return guildstorageTab or 0 end function move_item(from,to) local gsPath = "/usr/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/Guildstorage/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/storage.txt" local items = {} local itemList = guildstorage.get_items() for i = 1 , table.getn(itemList) do table.insert(items,guildstorage.split_(itemList[i],"#")) end for i = 1, table.getn(items) do if items[i][3] == tostring(from) then items[i][3] = tostring(to) end end local gs =, "w+") for i = 1, table.getn(items) do gs:write(items[i][1]..'#'..items[i][2]..'#'..items[i][3]..'#'..items[i][4]..'#'..items[i][5]..'#'..items[i][6]..'#'..items[i][7]..'#'..items[i][8]..'#'..items[i][9]..'#'..items[i][10]..'#'..items[i][11]..'#'..items[i][12]..'#'..items[i][13]..'#'..items[i][14]..'#'..items[i][15]..'#'..items[i][16]..'#'..items[i][17]..'#'..items[i][18]..'#'..items[i][19]..'#'..items[i][20]..'#'..items[i][21]..'#'..items[i][22]..'#'..items[i][23]..'\\n') end gs:flush() gs:close() end ---------------------- --STORAGE END ---------------------- function client_command(command_) return guildstorage.split_(command_,"#") end function split_(string_,delimiter) local result = { } local from = 1 local delim_from, delim_to = string.find( string_, delimiter, from ) while delim_from do table.insert( result, string.sub( string_, from , delim_from-1 ) ) from = delim_to + 1 delim_from, delim_to = string.find( string_, delimiter, from ) end table.insert( result, string.sub( string_, from ) ) return result end when login begin cmdchat("GUILDSTORAGE QID/"..q.getcurrentquestindex()) end when 70028.use begin cmdchat("GetInputStop") end when"Gildenlager" begin if not pc.has_guild() then syschat'Du benoetigst eine Gilde um das Gildenlager benutzen zu koennen.' setskin(NOWINDOW) return end if not guildstorage.has_guildstorage() then guildstorage.create_guildstorage() end -- chat("PENIS") if pc.is_guild_master() then cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE OPEN/1') else cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE OPEN/0') end -- chat("2")--pack reload mein ich xD wo ist mein chat du judenkind frag das die quest nicht mich guildstorage.refresh() pc.setqf("GUILDSTORAGE",1) setskin(NOWINDOW) -- say("TEST") --ka ob das am setskin liegt, ich nutze das nie hm... end when button begin local cmd = guildstorage.client_command(guildstorage.getinput("GUILDSTORAGE QUESTCMD")) -- [ITEM] --chat(cmd) --bist in ner gilde? xD erst auf unserem server testen haben das doch auch danach da sonst müsste ich leveln xDok xD if cmd[1] == 'TAKE_ITEM' then if not guildstorage.get_authority(1) then syschat'Du besitzt keine Berechtigung hierfuer.' return end if pc.get_empty_inventory_count() < 3 then syschat'Du hast nicht genug Platz im Inventar, du brauchst mindestens drei freie Plaetze' return end local slot = tonumber(cmd[2])+120*tonumber(cmd[3]) local item = guildstorage.get_slot_item(slot) if guildstorage.slot_empty(slot) then syschat'Dieses Item befindet sich an einer anderen Position, oder wurde schon rausgenommen' return end guildstorage.remove_item(slot) guildstorage.give_item(item) elseif cmd[1] == 'MOVE_ITEM' then if not guildstorage.get_authority(0) then syschat'Du besitzt keine Berechtigung hierfuer.' return end --possible to store the item? antiflag/flag if cmd[2] == 'INVENTORY' then if not guildstorage.slot_empty(tonumber(cmd[4])+120*tonumber(cmd[5])) then syschat'Dieser Slot ist bereits belegt.' return end guildstorage.insert_item(tonumber(cmd[3]),tonumber(cmd[4]),tonumber(cmd[5])) elseif cmd[2] == 'GUILDSTORAGE' then if not guildstorage.slot_empty(tonumber(cmd[5])+120*tonumber(cmd[6])) then syschat'Dieser Slot ist bereits belegt, oder das Item existiert nichtmehr.' return end guildstorage.move_item(tonumber(cmd[3])+120*tonumber(cmd[4]),tonumber(cmd[5])+120*tonumber(cmd[6])) end -- [MONEY] elseif cmd[1] == 'TAKE_MONEY' then if not guildstorage.get_authority(3) then syschat'Du besitzt keine Berechtigung hierfuer.' return end local old_money = guildstorage.get_money() if old_money < tonumber(cmd[2]) then syschat'Soviel Yang ist nicht im Gildenlager.' return end local new_money = tonumber(cmd[2]) if new_money+pc.get_money() >= 1999999999 then syschat'Du kannst nicht mehr wie Yang bei dir haben.' return end guildstorage.change_money(-new_money) pc.change_money(new_money) guildstorage.add_log(pc.get_name(),'Yang','abheben',new_money) cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE REFRESH_MONEY/'..(old_money-new_money)) elseif cmd[1] == 'GIVE_MONEY' then if not guildstorage.get_authority(2) then syschat'Du besitzt keine Berechtigung hierfuer.' return end local old_money = guildstorage.get_money() local new_money = tonumber(cmd[2]) if new_money > pc.get_money() then syschat'Soviel Yang besitzt du nicht' return end pc.change_money(-new_money) guildstorage.change_money(new_money) guildstorage.add_log(pc.get_name(),'Yang','einzahlen',new_money) cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE REFRESH_MONEY/'..(old_money+new_money)) elseif cmd[1] == 'GETGUILDSTORAGEMONEY' then cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE REFRESH_GUILDWINDOW_MONEY/'..guildstorage.get_money()) -- [MEMBER] elseif cmd[1] == 'ADD_MEMBER' then if not pc.is_guild_master() then syschat'Cheese. ;p' return end local members = guildstorage.get_members() if table.getn(members) >= 12 then syschat'Du kannst maximal nur 12 Member eintragen.' return end guildstorage.add_member(cmd[2]) cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE MEMBER_COMPLETE') elseif cmd[1] == 'DELETE_MEMBER' then if not pc.is_guild_master() then syschat'Cheese. ;p' return end guildstorage.delete_member(cmd[2]) cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE MEMBER_COMPLETE') elseif cmd[1] == 'AUTHORITY' then if not pc.is_guild_master() then syschat'Cheese. ;p' return end guildstorage.set_authority(cmd[2],tonumber(cmd[3]),cmd[4]) elseif cmd[1] == 'GETMEMBERLIST' then if not pc.is_guild_master() then syschat'Cheese. ;p' return end local members = guildstorage.get_members() for i = 1, table.getn(members) do -- id, membername, authority 1-4 cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE_ADDMEMBER '..(i-1)..' '..members[i][1]..' '..members[i][2]..' '..members[i][3]..' '..members[i][4]..' '..members[i][5]) end cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE REFRESH_MEMBERS') elseif cmd[1] == 'UPDATE' then guildstorage.refresh_tempslots() elseif cmd[1] == 'LOAD_LOGS' then if not pc.is_guild_master() then syschat'Cheese. ;p' return end local logs = guildstorage.load_logs() local logsLen = table.getn(logs) for i = 0, logsLen-1 do local var = (logsLen-i) cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE_ADDLOG '..(var-1)..' '..logs[var][1]..' '..logs[var][2]..' '..logs[var][3]..' '..logs[var][4]..' '..logs[var][5]) end elseif cmd[1] == 'DELETE_LOGS' then if not pc.is_guild_master() then syschat'Cheese. ;p' return end guildstorage.clear_logs() elseif cmd[1] == 'BUTTON' then if cmd[2] == "0" then setskin(NOWINDOW) game.open_mall() elseif cmd[2] == "1" then setskin(NOWINDOW) game.open_safebox() elseif cmd[2] == "2" then if not pc.has_guild() then syschat'Du benoetigst eine Gilde um das Gildenlager benutzen zu koennen.' setskin(NOWINDOW) return end if not guildstorage.has_guildstorage() then guildstorage.create_guildstorage() end if pc.is_guild_master() then cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE OPEN/1') else cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE OPEN/0') end guildstorage.refresh() pc.setqf("GUILDSTORAGE",1) setskin(NOWINDOW) end end end end end Obrigado e realmente agradeço quem puder ajudar Download:Debes iniciar sesión para ver el contenido del enlace en esta publicación. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArkaNo96 Posted February 17, 2015 Report Share Posted February 17, 2015 Ese,GUILDSTORAGE trae muchos bugs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Johan™ Posted February 17, 2015 Report Share Posted February 17, 2015 def OpenQuestWindow(self, skin, idx): if constInfo.INPUT_IGNORE == 1: return self.interface.OpenQuestWindow(skin, idx) the INPUT_IGNORE is how I define have to put YOUR has Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeniusWhite Posted February 17, 2015 Author Report Share Posted February 17, 2015 def OpenQuestWindow(self, skin, idx): if constInfo.INPUT_IGNORE == 1: return self.interface.OpenQuestWindow(skin, idx) the INPUT_IGNORE is how I define have to put YOUR has Alterar o 1 pra 0 então? não entendi o que queria dizer... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Johan™ Posted February 17, 2015 Report Share Posted February 17, 2015 Alterar o 1 pra 0 então? não entendi o que queria dizer... do not change it to 0 just have to change the INPUT_IGNORE by omo have it define you, I do not have that system python so I can not help much Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shang Posted February 17, 2015 Report Share Posted February 17, 2015 Syserr client when you open de guildstorage? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeniusWhite Posted February 18, 2015 Author Report Share Posted February 18, 2015 Syserr client when you open de guildstorage? stays clean Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shang Posted February 18, 2015 Report Share Posted February 18, 2015 Imposible... When you open your guildstorage open the syserr.txt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SeMa™ Posted February 18, 2015 Report Share Posted February 18, 2015 yes, the sysser can be clean cmdchat("getinputbegin") local ret = input(cmdchat(par)) cmdchat("getinputend") in def getinputbegin(self): constInfo.INPUT_IGNORE = 1 def getinputend(self): constInfo.INPUT_IGNORE = 0 and def OpenQuestWindow(self, skin, idx): if constInfo.INPUT_IGNORE == 1: return self.interface.OpenQuestWindow(skin, idx) GeniusWhite 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeniusWhite Posted February 19, 2015 Author Report Share Posted February 19, 2015 yes, the sysser can be clean cmdchat("getinputbegin") local ret = input(cmdchat(par)) cmdchat("getinputend") in def getinputbegin(self): constInfo.INPUT_IGNORE = 1 def getinputend(self): constInfo.INPUT_IGNORE = 0 and def OpenQuestWindow(self, skin, idx): if constInfo.INPUT_IGNORE == 1: return self.interface.OpenQuestWindow(skin, idx) após eu adicionar essa parte, substituindo o do meu, o cliente abre com problemas de gráfico e no syserr acusa o nome 'getinputbegin' está complicado :/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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