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quiero 1 quest, que el tele transportador te envié al Mapa nuevo (Que yo lo tengo como el mapa para el nivel 85) osea, que sea como 1 tele transportador, pero te envié al mapa nuevo, si alguien tiene esta quest, o me la pude hacer gracias de ante mano.... Si quieren mas detalles, en el tele transportador de Metin2.es hay 1 nueva opción.... Yo quiero que me aparezca esa opción...!! gracias

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quest mapa beginstate start beginwhen idnpc.chat."Jungle Waste (Lv. 110)" with pc.get_level() > 109 beginsay_title("Teletrasportador Mapa Especiales")say("")say("Este es un buen lugar.")say("Pero muy, muy peligroso,")say("Así que pensar dos veces lo que realmente")say("quiero ir allí?")say("")say_reward("Realmente quiero ser teletransportado?") local s1=select("Teletrasportar","Cancelar")if s1 == 1 thenpc.warp(coor, coor)elsereturnend endendend

coor = Pone coordenada


idnpc = npc que elijas Si hay error Decimelo

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quest transportar begin	state start begin		when #NPC#.chat."Mapa Nuevo" begin			local cord ={			{#CORY#, #CORX#}			}			if pc.get_level() <= 85 then				say_title("Mapa Nuevo: ")				say_reward("Necesitas ser level 85 para poder entrar.")			end			say_title("Mapa Nuevo: ")			say("#Agregad descripción a vuestro gusto.")			say_reward("¿Quieres ir?")			if select ("Si","No") == 1 then				pc.warp(cord[1], cord[2])			end		end	endend

Editar el #NPC# por el vnum del teletransportador y #CORDX# Y #CORDY# con las respectivas cordenadas del mapa.

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quest transportar begin	state start begin		when #NPC#.chat."Mapa Nuevo" begin			local cord ={			{#CORY#, #CORX#}			}			if pc.get_level() <= 85 then				say_title("Mapa Nuevo: ")				say_reward("Necesitas ser level 85 para poder entrar.")			end			say_title("Mapa Nuevo: ")			say("#Agregad descripción a vuestro gusto.")			say_reward("¿Quieres ir?")			if select ("Si","No") == 1 then				pc.warp(cord[1], cord[2])			end		end	endend

Editar el #NPC# por el vnum del teletransportador y #CORDX# Y #CORDY# con las respectivas cordenadas del mapa.


Te falto un local xD, te lo pasaste, que daría así:

quest transportar begin	state start begin		when #NPC#.chat."Mapa Nuevo" begin			local cord ={{#CORY#, #CORX#}}			if pc.get_level() <= 85 then				say_title("Mapa Nuevo: ")				say_reward("Necesitas ser level 85 para poder entrar.")			end			say_title("Mapa Nuevo: ")			say("#Agregad descripción a vuestro gusto.")			say_reward("¿Quieres ir?")                        local tele = select("Si" , "No")			     if tele  == 1 then				pc.warp(cord[1], cord[2])                              elseif tele == 2 then                                return			end		end	endend
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Te falto un local xD, te lo pasaste, que daría así:

quest transportar begin	state start begin		when #NPC#.chat."Mapa Nuevo" begin			local cord ={{#CORY#, #CORX#}}			if pc.get_level() <= 85 then				say_title("Mapa Nuevo: ")				say_reward("Necesitas ser level 85 para poder entrar.")			end			say_title("Mapa Nuevo: ")			say("#Agregad descripción a vuestro gusto.")			say_reward("¿Quieres ir?")                        local tele = select("Si" , "No")			     if tele  == 1 then				pc.warp(cord[1], cord[2])                              elseif tele == 2 then                                return			end		end	endend

No, con este comando:

if select ("Si","No") == 1 then

No es necesario poner un local, hice eso para no poner por ejemplo if x == 2 then return end , salia mas facil,

asi que es mas facil hacer un if select .

local tele = select("Si" , "No")	if tele  == 1 then		pc.warp(cord[1], cord[2])	elseif tele == 2 then		return	end

Esto, te lo ahorras con esto:

if select ("Si","No") == 1 then	pc.warp(cord[1], cord[2])end
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Those who prefer laptops will point to the fact that this device comes with a full keyboard, a very high resolution and can have a screen the size of any desktop computer monitor. The laptop hardware comes included and not dealing with typing on a touch screen is considered a huge benefit to laptop users. Laptops are considered more durable and unlike a tablet , their users do not have to be concerned with scratching the viewing screen. One of the drawbacks when it comes to the portability of a laptop may be its size. The average laptop can weigh between 3 and 9 pounds.The Archos 43 Online Tablet arrives in eight gigabyte or 16 gigabyte variations, whichever a person you opt for. It is a whopping 5.3 inches, placing it on the scale of a hybrid in between a smartphone and a laptop It is so light nevertheless powerful and little ample to match inside your shirt pocket for when you are out and about. You will be excited to know that following an Android Operating System version two.two update, the tablet works so considerably additional faster! The video clip display display screen is very sharp - in truth it is a whole 32 percent much larger than an iPhone.A The truth is, there is no such thing as a "good" tablet, just as there isn't a "best" tablet. Why? Because what is good and what is best are not absolutes. It varies from person to person, in both big and small ways, just as tablets vary. How could I tell a woman who wants a tablet to carry around in her tiny purse that some 10" model is good or best? I can't, at least not honestly. One has to take into account the wants, needs, and expectations of the potential buyer to come up with what would likely work best for them.Tablet Computers For One And AllMy experience is that a fully charged battery will last you about two hours on average and a mere 1 hour and 45 minutes after the first few recharges. Compared to any other laptop this is pathetic and it also makes it the single largest downside of this laptop Some people I know draw on their laptop for hours on end and having it plugged in to a power socket all the time isn't nice for mobility. That wouldn't be a problem except that you have to sacrifice your DVD rewriter for it.The specs on the Surface Pro line up with many mid-priced Ultrabooks on the market now. It packs a 3rd Generation Intel Core i5 processor with 4 GB of RAM. There is a choice of a 64 GB or 128GB SSD hard drive, which I opted for the lower size since it integrates with Microsoft’s Sky Drive for cloud storage and has USB, as well as, microSD ports available for external storage. Other features include a front and rear facing camera, touch screen, and a stylus pen for input. The touch or type keyboard cover are additional, but really adds the full experience.

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Toma anda, modifica solo las cosas con -- en su linea

quest viajar beginstate start beginwhen #npc#.chat."Viajar" begin ---Poner Vnum NPC sin #datos= {['X'] = #CORDX#, --Poner la Cord X sin #['Y'] = #CORDY#, --Poner la Cord Y sin #['L'] = #LVL#    --Poner el Nivel requerido sin #}say("Pon los dialogos que quieras")if select("Viajar", "Cerrar") == 1 then    if pc.get_level() < datos['L'] then say("Nivel requerido "..datos['L']) return end    pc.warp(datos['X'], datos['Y'])    endendendendend
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