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Larry Watterson

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Larry Watterson Ganó el último 26 Noviembre 2022

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Larry Watterson's Achievements

  1. Guild Missions * This system lets you to assign missions to guild * Every guild member can contribute to the missions * You can see each player's progress on each mission * System works P2P in real-time * You can set minimum guild level for missions * You can put rewards on missions (currently, no reward. it will be added on client's request) * Game C++ version has to be minimum 14 CLICK FOR VIDEO
  2. In Dungeon Ranking * System sort the players rankings in dungeon (defaultly Total Damage / Stone Kill / Monster Kill) * New sorting types can be added or removed * Works in all dungeons automatically * Ranking be deactivate for any dungeon CLICK FOR VIDEO
  3. In Game Wiki(Client Side / JSON) * System using JSON for data * I will give JSON converters with system(for automotic convert txt and proto to JSON) * All you have to do is convert your folders with tool and enjoy * Wiki requires some files to have data in them. but in the infrastructure i use, those files are empty and i've used another server's files. so, this is why some items are shown as "Bill" CLICK FOR VIDEO
  4. Boss War Bet System * When event started, players can bet on any boss they wants * GMs can start event over QUEST or close * Winner betters get twice the initial bet (can be changed) * Via table, minimum bet can be set * Via table, more than one war can be added (e.g. first round "razo" vs "nemere", second round "lucifer" vs "grim reaper") * Map is included with the system * Bosses fight for 5 rounds (can be changed) * Players need to bet after 5 minutes the event has been started (can be changed) * While bosses are fighting, players cannot bet or change their bets * Bets are ordered from high to low in the table, and will be automatically updated when an user places a bet * Winner bets are stored in a table, so the prizes do not get lost CLICK FOR VIDEO
  5. Ikarus Premium Shop Time Players can activate premium with "Premium Item" For example, the normal shop duration is 3 days, you set the premium as 30 days, normal players can shop for 3 days, premium ones can create for 30 days. For premium players, the Influence icon appears in the top right
  6. #New System Hell And Heaven Missions When users get to the latest level, they can select either one of "Heaven" or "Hell" missions User gets title of the completed mission User data are stored in database Names are just a sample, they can be changed Missions can be edited in JSON easily User can get rewards after completing submissions Final reward is the specified title New submission types can be added
  7. Boss and Stone Ranking System uses "Database" for infos (mob vnums and player logs) System logs and orders the boss vnums and texts that's specified in the table System work auto, all you have to do is add "mob" vnums It gets data in real time
  8. #New System Boss Spin System After the system starts the spin, after the determined time, the boss that appears according to luck will spawn next to the player. Bosses can be easily determined by the user, as many bosses can be added as desired Spin fee is not added for testing purposes, can be determined optionally Spin time and card change time can be changed GUI is changeable GIF (CLICK ME)
  9. #New System Guild War Statistics "KDA and Damage" data of all players in the guild war are kept Sorting type can be selected via GUI Any QF vs. not used Added data with code for test in GIF, normally it will not be active except in guild war!
  10. #New System Search Item On Inventory * Players can search item with name in inventory * The system is client + pack sided. 'OnUpdate' is not used * If the item you are looking for is on a different page, it will move to other pages as you search. * Minimum 3 letters required for search
  11. #New System Cause Of Death * After the player dies, they can see the details of the person/mob who killed them. * The data are the name that kills, damage that causes death, damage type (skill, straight hit, etc.), critical damage, and piercing damage. * Data can be reproduced or expanded according to customer request.
  12. #New System Teleport Board * * System uses SQL table, you can add / delete maps & categories. When you do `reload tp_board`, it will be updated * You can add item, min level etc. controls for teleport f
  13. Contact me: Payment Methods: What can i do? My Systems: Proggresive Affect Event Global and Individual Missions Bot Control System Skill Hyperlink Boss Damage Ranking v2 Global Ranking v2 Daily Missions Market NPC Ronark War Guild War Preparation Mob And Boss Scale Effect Distance Dungeon info & Boss Ring
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