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Aurelian-Cristian Rus

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Todo lo publicado por Aurelian-Cristian Rus

  1. Lo se que buscar un vdi con el freebsd 11.1 directamente instalado, pero esto es un poco mas dificil, por que son pocos que usan la version de 11.1 para compilar. Si te lo encuentro en la forma que la deseas, te lo postare! Saludos!
  2. Aqui hay toda la sistema que quiero instalarla; https://mega.nz/#!ZaI3lLbD!aFTFbvdczmz1qFKCK4FT2DB9Ga3zqjGO8Md34ihzDmU Gracias!
  3. Intenta otra opcion: Crea un nuevo set en refine_proto y ponlo despues en item_proto. Si no te funcciona imediatamente, dale un reboot!
  4. Aqui tienes VDI para FreeBSD 11.1: https://www.osboxes.org/freebsd/ Y FreeBSD 11.1 para VDI desde aqui: https://download.freebsd.org/ftp/releases/VM-IMAGES/11.1-RELEASE/ Espero que te pudiste ayudar!
  5. Haz las modificaciones y dale un reboot al vps o vdi, lo que tienes, y despues checa si tus cambios quedaron a travez de Navicat en item_proto. Entra en el juego y prueba. Si las modificaciones no quedaron despues del reboot, hay que hacerlo desde el item_proto.txt o decompilar el item_proto! Dale un nuevo reboot y prueba.
  6. SI lo puedes modificar atravez del Navicat y tiene efecto, no hay que modificar en otra parte. Si no puedes modificar por el Navicat, entonces busca el item_proto.txt en tu game, atravez del WinSCP. El refine_proto es la misma ideea que el item_proto!
  7. Aqui tengo el def que pertenece de la linea con la problema; def LoadScriptFile(self, window, FileName): import exception import exceptions import os import errno self.Clear() print "===== Load Script File : %s" % (FileName) try: execfile(FileName, self.ScriptDictionary) except IOError, err: import sys import dbg dbg.TraceError("Failed to load script file : %s" % (FileName)) dbg.TraceError("error : %s" % (err)) exception.Abort("LoadScriptFile1") except RuntimeError,err: import sys import dbg dbg.TraceError("Failed to load script file : %s" % (FileName)) dbg.TraceError("error : %s" % (err)) exception.Abort("LoadScriptFile2") except: import sys import dbg dbg.TraceError("Failed to load script file : %s" % (FileName)) exception.Abort("LoadScriptFile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") ##### Body = self.ScriptDictionary["window"] self.CheckKeyList("window", Body, self.BODY_KEY_LIST) window.ClearDictionary() self.InsertFunction = window.InsertChild window.SetPosition(int(Body["x"]), int(Body["y"])) if localeInfo.IsARABIC(): w = wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() h = wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() if Body.has_key("width"): w = int(Body["width"]) if Body.has_key("height"): h = int(Body["height"]) window.SetSize(w, h) else: window.SetSize(int(Body["width"]), int(Body["height"])) if TRUE == Body.has_key("style"): for StyleList in Body["style"]: window.AddFlag(StyleList) self.LoadChildren(window, Body)
  8. Ya esta rezolvado con las errores anteriores. Ahora me da esto: 0507 01:26:02158 :: introLogin.py(line:521) __LoadScript ui.py(line:2795) LoadScriptFile LoginWindow.__LoadScript.LoadObject - <type 'exceptions.KeyError'>:'window' 0507 01:26:02158 :: ============================================================================================================ 0507 01:26:02158 :: Abort!!!! Gracias amigo!
  9. import uiScriptLocale ROOT = "d:/ymir work/ui/public/" LOCALE_PATH = uiScriptLocale.LOGIN_PATH SERVER_BOARD_HEIGHT = 220 SERVER_LIST_HEIGHT = 170 Window = { "name" : "LoginWindow", "style" : ("movable",), "x" : 0, "y" : 0, "width" : SCREEN_WIDTH, "height" : SCREEN_HEIGHT, "children" : ( ## Board { "name" : "bg1", "type" : "expanded_image", "x" : 0, "y" : 0, "x_scale" : float(SCREEN_WIDTH) / 1024.0, "y_scale" : float(SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 768.0, "image" : "locale_ro/locale/ro/ui/login.sub", }, { "name" : "bg2", "type" : "expanded_image", "x" : 0, "y" : 0, "x_scale" : float(SCREEN_WIDTH) / 1024.0, "y_scale" : float(SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 768.0, "image" : "locale_ro/locale/ro/ui/login.sub", }, ## mainboard { "name" : "mainboard", "type" : "image", "x" : (SCREEN_WIDTH - 1024) / 2, "y" : (SCREEN_HEIGHT - 768) / 2, "image" : "locale_ro/locale/ro/ui/pictures/mainboard.jpg", "children" : ( { ## LoginBoard "name" : "ID_EditLine", "type" : "editline", "x" : 490, "y" : 379, "width" : 120, "height" : 18, "input_limit" : 16, "enable_codepage" : 0, "r" : 1.0, "g" : 1.0, "b" : 1.0, "a" : 1.0, }, { "name" : "Password_EditLine", "type" : "editline", "x" : 490, "y" : 426, "width" : 120, "height" : 18, "input_limit" : 16, "secret_flag" : 2, "enable_codepage" : 0, "r" : 1.0, "g" : 1.0, "b" : 1.0, "a" : 1.0, }, { "name" : "LoginButton", "type" : "Button", "x" : 400, "y" : 473, "default_image" : "locale_ro/locale/ro/ui/pictures/buttons/login.tga", "over_image" : "locale_ro/locale/ro/ui/pictures/buttons/login_hover.tga", "down_image" : "locale_ro/locale/ro/ui/pictures/buttons/login_down.tga", }, { "name" : "up", "type" : "Button", "x" : 550, "y" : 307, "default_image" : "locale_ro/locale/ro/ui/pictures/buttons/up.tga", "over_image" : "locale_ro/locale/ro/ui/pictures/buttons/up.tga", "down_image" : "locale_ro/locale/ro/ui/pictures/buttons/up.tga", }, { "name" : "down", "type" : "Button", "x" : 550 + 15, "y" : 307, "default_image" : "locale_ro/locale/ro/ui/pictures/buttons/down.tga", "over_image" : "locale_ro/locale/ro/pictures/buttons/down.tga", "down_image" : "locale_ro/locale/ro/pictures/buttons/down.tga", }, { "name" : "on1", "type" : "image", "x" : 455, "y" : 307, "image" : "locale_ro/locale/ro/ui/pictures/buttons/channel1_online.tga", }, { "name" : "on2", "type" : "image", "x" : 455, "y" : 307, "image" : "locale_ro/locale/ro/ui/pictures/buttons/channel2_online.tga", }, { "name" : "off1", "type" : "image", "x" : 455, "y" : 307, "image" : "locale_ro/locale/ro/ui/pictures/buttons/channel1_offline.tga", }, { "name" : "off2", "type" : "image", "x" : 455, "y" : 307, "image" : "locale_ro/locale/ro/ui/pictures/buttons/channel2_offline.tga", }, ), }, ## LoginBoard { "name" : "LoginBoard", "type" : "image", "x" : 0, "y" : 0, "image" : "", }, ## ServerBoard { "name" : "ServerBoard", "type" : "thinboard", "x" : 0, "y" : SCREEN_HEIGHT - SERVER_BOARD_HEIGHT - 150, "width" : 375, "height" : SERVER_BOARD_HEIGHT, "horizontal_align" : "center", "children" : ( ## Title { "name" : "Title", "type" : "text", "x" : 0, "y" : 12, "horizontal_align" : "center", "text_horizontal_align" : "center", "text" : uiScriptLocale.LOGIN_SELECT_TITLE, }, ## Horizontal { "name" : "HorizontalLine1", "type" : "line", "x" : 10, "y" : 34, "width" : 354, "height" : 0, "color" : 0xff777777, }, { "name" : "HorizontalLine2", "type" : "line", "x" : 10, "y" : 35, "width" : 355, "height" : 0, "color" : 0xff111111, }, ## Vertical { "name" : "VerticalLine1", "type" : "line", "x" : 246, "y" : 38, "width" : 0, "height" : SERVER_LIST_HEIGHT + 4, "color" : 0xff777777, }, { "name" : "VerticalLine2", "type" : "line", "x" : 247, "y" : 38, "width" : 0, "height" : SERVER_LIST_HEIGHT + 4, "color" : 0xff111111, }, ## ListBox { "name" : "ServerList", "type" : "listbox2", "x" : 10, "y" : 40, "width" : 232, "height" : SERVER_LIST_HEIGHT, "row_count" : 18, "item_align" : 0, }, { "name" : "ChannelList", "type" : "listbox", "x" : 255, "y" : 40, "width" : 109, "height" : SERVER_LIST_HEIGHT, "item_align" : 0, }, { "name" : "ConnectName", "type" : "text", "x" : 82, "y" : 14, }, ## Buttons { "name" : "ServerSelectButton", "type" : "Button", "x" : 267, "y" : SERVER_LIST_HEIGHT, "default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_01.sub", "over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_02.sub", "down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_03.sub", "text" : uiScriptLocale.OK, }, { "name" : "ServerExitButton", "type" : "Button", "x" : 267, "y" : SERVER_LIST_HEIGHT + 22, "default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_01.sub", "over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_02.sub", "down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_03.sub", "text" : uiScriptLocale.LOGIN_SELECT_EXIT, }, ), }, ), } Aqui esta, gracias!
  10. Gracias amigo, problema resolvada! Ahora recibo otro error, pero algo mas grande! 0506 21:35:02011 :: Failed to load script file : locale/ro/ui/LoginWindow.py 0506 21:35:02015 :: ui.py(line:2774) LoadScriptFile system.py(line:192) execfile system.py(line:163) Run locale/ro/ui/LoginWindow.py(line:208) <module> LoadScriptFile!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>:'module' object has no attribute 'LOGIN_SELECT_TITLE' 0506 21:35:02015 :: ============================================================================================================ 0506 21:35:02015 :: Abort!!!! 0506 21:35:02016 :: introLogin.py(line:521) __LoadScript ui.py(line:2791) LoadScriptFile exception.py(line:36) Abort LoginWindow.__LoadScript.LoadObject - <type 'exceptions.SystemExit'>: 0506 21:35:02017 :: ============================================================================================================ 0506 21:35:02017 :: Abort!!!! Gracias!
  11. Gracias amigo me funcciono tu ideea! Pero ahora tengo otra problema, exactamente recibo otro error: Syserr: 0506 12:38:02172 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0506 12:38:02172 :: File "uiPhaseCurtain.py", line 61, in OnUpdate 0506 12:38:02173 :: File "networkModule.py", line 150, in __ChangePhaseWindow 0506 12:38:02173 :: File "introLogin.py", line 261, in Open 0506 12:38:02173 :: NameError 0506 12:38:02173 :: : 0506 12:38:02173 :: global name 'uiScriptlocale' is not defined 0506 12:38:02174 :: introLogin.py: Desde a la linea 261 hasta a la 263; if not self.__LoadScript(uiScriptlocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "LoginWindow.py"): dbg.TraceError("LoginWindow.Open - __LoadScript Error") return Si me puedes ayudar y con eso, muchisimas gracias!
  12. Saludos! Quiero cambiar la interfaz de login de mi cliente y siempre recibo un error que no la entiendo y no lo se como solucionarla! La interfaz es Riveria II. Syserr: 0505 17:33:02045 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0505 17:33:02045 :: File "uiPhaseCurtain.py", line 61, in OnUpdate 0505 17:33:02106 :: File "networkModule.py", line 150, in __ChangePhaseWindow 0505 17:33:02106 :: File "introLogin.py", line 233, in Open 0505 17:33:02106 :: AttributeError 0505 17:33:02106 :: : 0505 17:33:02106 :: 'module' object has no attribute 'LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_EXIST_ID' 0505 17:33:02106 :: introLogin.py: Desde a la linea 224 hasta a la 246; def Open(self): ServerStateChecker.Create(self) print "LOGIN WINDOW OPEN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" self.loginFailureMsgDict={ #"DEFAULT" : localeInfo.LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN, "ALREADY" : localeInfo.LOGIN_FAILURE_ALREAY, "NOID" : localeInfo.LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_EXIST_ID, "WRONGPWD" : localeInfo.LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_PASSWORD, "FULL" : localeInfo.LOGIN_FAILURE_TOO_MANY_USER, "SHUTDOWN" : localeInfo.LOGIN_FAILURE_SHUTDOWN, "REPAIR" : localeInfo.LOGIN_FAILURE_REPAIR_ID, "BLOCK" : localeInfo.LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_ID, "WRONGMAT" : localeInfo.LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER, "QUIT" : localeInfo.LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER_TRIPLE, "BESAMEKEY" : localeInfo.LOGIN_FAILURE_BE_SAME_KEY, "NOTAVAIL" : localeInfo.LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_AVAIL, "NOBILL" : localeInfo.LOGIN_FAILURE_NOBILL, "BLKLOGIN" : localeInfo.LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_LOGIN, "WEBBLK" : localeInfo.LOGIN_FAILURE_WEB_BLOCK, } Quien me puede ayudar, les agradezco mucho! Gracias anticipado!
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