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Acerca de JonGeN

  • Cumpleaños 28/11/1993

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506 visitas al perfil
  1. You don't need to know which seedlings you own without needing to know the old ones
  2. Yes I already tried but gave me dll error I installed the dll's but it blames error in the same
  3. I pay those who help me MP
  4. I also unzipped and compacted without changing anything and it gives the same error
  5. Hi, can someone help me? I unpack the mob_proto of the client I do the translation compact and when I open the game of the error, also when unpacked and compacted without making any translation and of the error in the same oneclient sysrr0428 21:14:08588 :: CPythonNonPlayer::LoadNonPlayerData: invalid size 376635 check data format.0428 21:14:08588 :: LoadLocaleData - LoadMobProto(locale/tr/mob_proto) Error
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